If you have restricted height doorways, you have several alternatives for purchasing HP factory
racked solutions that can accommodate the height of the doorways without the need to depopulate
the HP MCS.
If you have restricted doorways:
You can order racked solutions in an appropriate sized HP MCS that can be accommodated by the
doorways. Choose the rack size that best meets your datacenter needs while at the same time
being able to pass all doorways on the path to the HP MCS final location.
An HP MCS that is unable to pass fully loaded through the doorway, options include:
– Ordering an empty HP MCS and purchasing installation services from HP Services.
– For BCS midrange servers with included installation services, you can order an empty HP MCS
and order the server with the field installation option.
With included site preparation service, the best way to locate the system to its final location is
Because the HP MCS cannot be safely tipped or placed on its side during transit or storage, air cargo
doors must have height sufficient for the HP MCS to be loaded and removed without tipping. Consult
your freight forwarder for available aircraft configurations that satisfy your particular HP MCS height.
International Air Transport Association labeling
Typical HP products that are classified as Magnetized Material are those with arc-welded frames that
contain a large mass of ferrous metal. For example, most HP MCSs or cabinets will usually test in the
low to mid-range of the regulatory limits and be classified as Magnetized Material. In the past, high-
end (floor standing) disk drives were regulated due to the large motors they contained; however, as
the size of the drives has been reduced, so has the size of the motors. Disk drives alone are no longer
regulated, but may be loaded into an HP MCS that is.
Magnetized Material are regulated as Dangerous Goods under Class 9, “Miscellaneous Dangerous
Goods,” and have been assigned the United Nations identification number, UN2807. These goods
are only regulated when transported by air due to their potential for interference with aircraft
instrumentation. Shipments must be properly marked, labeled and documented to be legally accepted
by an air carrier for transport.
For more specific details of how and why this requirement process is managed, please refer to the
following URL:
In all cases of air shipments, a Shipper Declaration is required (see Figure 11). This sample is an
internal HP document. If access is needed, please ask your local HP service representative to contact
the Rack Program management organization within HP.