Service Reference Guide, dc5100
Setup Utilities and Diagnostics Features
users only
Power-On Options
Allows you to set: (continued)
• ACPI/USB Buffers @ Top of Memory (enable/disable).
Enabling this feature places USB memory buffers at the top
of memory. The advantage is that some amount of memory
below 1 MB is freed up for use by option ROMs. The
disadvantage is that a popular memory manager, HIMEM.SYS,
does not work properly when USB buffers are at top of memory
AND the system has 64 MB or less of RAM.
• Hyper-threading (enable/disable).
• Limit CPUID Maximum Value to 3 - Restricts the number of
CPUID functions reported by the microprocessor. Enable this
feature if booting to WinNT.
BIOS Power-On
Allows you to set the computer to turn on automatically at a time you
Onboard Devices
Allows you to set resources for or disable onboard system devices
(diskette controller, serial port, or parallel port).
PCI Devices
• Lists currently installed PCI devices and their IRQ settings.
• Allows you to reconfigure IRQ settings for these devices or to
disable them entirely. These settings have no effect under an
APIC-based operating system.
Bus Options*
On some models, allows you to enable or disable:
• PCI SERR# Generation.
• PCI VGA palette snooping, which sets the VGA palette
snooping bit in PCI configuration space; only needed when
more than one graphics controller is installed.
Support for specific Computer Setup options may vary depending on the hardware configuration.