Table 1-2. HP 16532A Operating Characteristics (cont.)
Trigger Level Range:
Within display window (full scale and offset)
Trigger Modes:
Triggers immediately after arming condition is met.
Triggers on rising or falling edge of any internal channel or external trigger,
count adjustable from 1 to 32,000.
Triggers on entering, exiting, duration greater than, duration less than, and
duration in range for a specified pattern of both internal channels and external
trigger, count adjustable from 1 to 32,000. Duration time range is adjustable
from 20 ns to 160 ms in 10 ns steps. Duration accuracy is approximately
2 ns.
If enabled, the module will self-trigger if no trigger condition is found within
approximately 50 ms after arming.
Events Delay:
The trigger can be set to occur on the nth edge or pattern, as specified by the
user. The number of events (n) can be set from 1 to 32,000 events. Maximum
count frequency is 70 MHz.
Arms another measurement module or triggers the rear panel BNC.
If enabled, the oscilloscope will trigger on an ECL level signal (-1.3 V).
Resolution: 8 bits (1 part in 256)
Digitizing Rate: Up to 1 Gigasample per second
Digitizing Technique: Real-time digitizing; each 8000 samples are acquired on a single acquisition
Acquisition Memory Size: 8000 samples per channel
HP 16532A - General Information