4 213 321 V01 KDT RegelModul Solar EN.docx
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Frost protection off /Sp1 off
Frost protection on
Frost protection
off /Sp1 off
(08-013) + 2K
TKOfrost off
12.4.5. Active collector protection / night cooling storage tank (08-074)
In addition to the collector protection, cooling can be activated using the collectors.
1. Enable cooling function as soon as the "storage tank maximum temperature" has been reached.
2. Enable cooling function as soon as the "collector protection temperature" and the "storage tank maximum
temperature" have been reached.
After the cooling function is enabled, if the collector temperature drops below the lower storage tank temperature
by 8K, the solar pump is activated and the storage tank discharged. Discharging is completed as soon as the
collector temperature is only 4K above the storage tank temperature or the maximum storage tank temperature
has been undershot by 15K.
12.4.6. Frost protection (08-013)
A frost protection function can be activated using the "collector frost protection temperature" parameter (08-013).
If the set temperature value on the collector sensor TKO is undershot, frost protection operation is active.
Collector circuit pump PS1 pumps heat from the storage tank to the collector until the temperature at the collector
sensor is once again greater than the frost protection limit.
TKO < TKOfrost (08-013), resulting in frost protection active, PS1 on
TKO > TKOfrost (08-013) + 2K, resulting in frost protection deactivated, PS1 off
Setting the value to -50 °C deactivates the function.