D-System Operating Instructions
Hotset GmbH
Hueckstraße 16
58511 Lüdenscheid, Germany
+49 2351 4302 0
04/2021 RS
System setting hardware
Each measuring module is assigned a dedicated hardware configuration when it is delivered
from the factory, in which the measuring range data is stored. The minimum and maximum
measuring ranges are defined by hotset under the hardware limits. The calibration data contains
factors for the measurement data acquisition and offset values. The use is able to configure
these values.
To do this, select a previously saved data set from the drop-down menu, or click "Modify".
Under "Change" you have the possibility to adjust the offset values and factors.
This change has a direct influence on the measured values and can lead to incorrect
measurements if entered incorrectly.
Following the change or if a selection has been made via the drop-down menu, the values must
be accepted by pressing "Activate". If not, the set values do not yet have any influence on the
You can read out the active values that are already used for the measurement via "Load current
Already created data sets can also be unburned or deleted.