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Service Manual UK
The heater is encased in a metal housing with integral safety cut-out and fuse. It connects to the
Circulating Wash pump housing via a bayonet fitting. Refer to the Circulating Wash Pump description.
Circulating Wash Pump
The motor used is a synchronous motor. The pump housing is connected to the water dispenser,
which feeds the lower and upper spray arms.
Situated on the sump. A temperature rise in the water is converted to a changing resistance value.
A rise in temperature will give a lower resistance across the terminals of the thermistor; the control
module monitors this value and when it is the same as that as defined in the programme selected,
the module will advance the programme out of the heating stage.
Regeneration Procedure
Unlike previous models Regeneration is not carried out during every wash. The Control Module
counts the number of Litres used since the last Regeneration.
The volume of water (in Litres) used between Regeneration is dependant upon the Water Hardness
Setting stored in the Control Module. (Refer to "
Setting the Water Hardness
"). See Chart below.
Regeneration Sequence
1. Regeneration valve activated, after 2 seconds, the fill inlet solenoid is opened to allow water
flow, water flows from the inlet through the salt and the mixture of water and salt reaches the
Solenoid valve closes (the inlet valve and after 2 seconds the regeneration valve)
Pause for 10 minutes
Fill with 190cc of water. (same procedure as step 1.)
5 minutes pause
Circulation Wash Pump Assembly
Water Dispenser
Water Hardness Setting
Regenerates Every...
No water is stored for Regeneration and
regeneration will always take place at
the end of last rinse, after the number of
litres has been achieved.
150 litres
100 litres
65 litres
30 litres
15 litres
Heater Assembly
Pump Motor