Cool Down Achieved
–Temperature cools to setpoint. Comp and ConFM de-energize.
UC/WT Refrigerators and Freezers: EvapFM de-energizes.
Prep Table: EvapFM continues.
If temperature setpoint achieved and Comp, ConFM, and EvapFM (except
PT models) does not de-energize, check CTh and TD continuity. If CTh or TD is
defective, replace. If CTh and TD are good and either the Comp, ConFM, and/or
EvapFM (except PT models) continue, or if EvapFM on PT models de-energizes,
replace CM.
Manually initiated defrost, off cycle defrost, and time-initiated
temperature-terminated heated defrost.
Manually-Initiated (All)
: Turn the TD all the way to the right. Wait 1 to 3 sec. then
back to original setting. Defrost initiated. If defrost does not initiate, wait 1 to 2 min.
and repeat process.
Off Cycle-Initiated (UC/WT Refrigerators)
: Off cycle between cooling cycles.
CTh cools below TD setting. TD setting satisfied. Comp, CondFM, and EvapFM
Time-Initiated (Heated)
Prep Table and All Freezers)
: 6-hr. DT terminates.
Prep Tables
: Comp and ConFM de-energizes, EvapFM continues. DH energizes.
5-min. minimum DT starts and 25-min. maximum DT starts.
: Comp, ConFM, PH, MH, and EvapFM de-energize. DH energizes.
5-min. minimum DT starts and 1-hr maximum DT starts.
Note: When DTh is above 50°F on Prep Tables or above 41°F on Freezers, defrost
will not initiate and 6-hr. DT resets and starts once DTh temperature cools
below 50°F on Prep Tables and cools below 41°F on Freezers.
: Turn the TD all the way to the right. Wait 1 to 3 sec. then
back to original setting. Defrost terminated. If DH continues or Comp does not
energize, make several more attempts of manual termination.
Off Cycle-Terminated
: CTh warms above TD setting. Comp, CondFM, EvapFM
: DTh achieves termination temperature or backup DT
Prep Tables
: 44
F achieved or 25-min. backup DT terminates. DH de-energizes.
If CTh calling for cooling, 1-min. Comp delay timer starts (drip time) and 90-sec.
EvapFM delay timer starts. 1-min. Comp delay timer terminates. Comp and
ConFM energize. 30 sec. later, 90-sec. EvapFM delay timer terminates and
EvapFM energizes.
Note: If DTh achieves 40
F before 90-sec. EvapFM delay timer terminates,
90-sec. EvapFM delay timer terminates and EvapFM energizes.
: 45
F achieved or 1-hr. DT terminates. DH de-energizes. If CTh calling
for cooling, 3-min. Comp delay timer starts (drip time) and 7-min. EvapFM delay
timer starts. 3-min. Comp delay timer terminates. Comp and ConFM energize. 4
min. later, 7-min. EvapFM delay timer terminates and EvapFM energizes.
Note: If DTh achieves 25
F before 7-min. EvapFM delay timer terminates, 7-min.
EvapFM delay timer terminates and EvapFM energizes.