Cutting and sawing of the mesh and pull bar
Carefully remove the guider blocks from the pull bar (photo’s 21 and 22).
Slide the mesh out of the pull bar a bit (photo 23). Remove the little black
clicker and the brushes left and right from the clicker from the pull bar.
Mark off the pull bar at the desired measure (photo 24).
that the pull bar needs to be shortened equally on both sides in order to keep
the cords that run through the mesh and blind in the middle (photo 25)
Therefore divide the total length that needs to be sawn of by 2.
Make sure to keep the cord away from the saw. After cutting the
pull bar the little clicker and brushes can be slided back into the
profile. Cut the brushes proportional to the pull bar.
The guider blocks can now be reconnected to
the pull bar; place the black strip in the
upper chamber of the guider block and attach
the guider block to the pull bar
Now the mesh must be cut to the right size.
To do this, first cut the strip with a pair of
scissors. (photo 29).