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GPS Satellite Controlled Clock 6875 - Ver. 04.00
Selecting the button "SAVE" opens a dialogue which enables selection of a target directory or
indication of a file name. After the target directory or a file name has been defined the current
configuration of the radio-controlled clock can be saved by selecting the button “SAVE“. As soon
as “SAVE” has finished, a confirmation dialogue appears which reports either success or error.
If a configuration is to be loaded which is already available or has already been saved then the
button “LOAD” should be clicked. A dialogue appears in which the file to be loaded is selected.
After selecting the file and confirming this with the button “OPEN” the following dialogue ap-
This dialogue shows in a well-structured form all the configuration data in the file which has
been loaded. The left column contains the definition of the value, the middle column the actual
value and the right column the status. If the status is “OK” (green), then this value is available –
if not, then the status of this value is “ERROR” (red). If at least one value has the status “ER-
ROR”, the configuration cannot be transmitted to the radio-controlled clock. Otherwise the con-
figuration shown can be transmitted to the radio-controlled clock by activating the button
“SEND”. This procedure can take some time and is confirmed after completion with a success
or error message. The dialogue can be ended by selecting the button “CLOSE”:
The button
is for activating online help – this contains all the information contained in
this document and additional general information about GPS.