MAN0987_Iss 2_09/16
FSL100 Series Flame Detectors
Technical Handbook
5.10 Connecting the Manual Self-Test
A manual self-test switch can be incorporated by supplying a +10 to +28 VDC switched current to terminal 14 in the detector.
This switch can be integral or external to the Fire Control panel or the PLC.
Figure 14.
Manual Self-Test Switch Locations
5.11 FSL100 Latching Alarm Settings
The FSL100 uses DIL switch 3 for field selectable alarm latching or unlatching. The default setting is latching ON, and DIL
switches 1, 2 and 4 are currently unused.
To change alarm status, change the DIL switch, and then power off for >1 second before switching back on again.
This setting is standard for fire control panels in conformity with the European standard EN54. However, you should always read
your controlle
r’s handbook as some systems can control alarm latching status by software, in which case there is no need to
reset the detector by powering it off.
Latching alarm
Non-Latching alarm
Figure 15. Latching Alarm Settings