Notices and Trademarks
Copyright 2014 by Honeywell International Inc.
While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be
accurate, Honeywell disclaims the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no
express warranties except as may be stated in its written
agreement with and for its customers.
In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any indirect, special or
consequential damages. The information and specifications in this
document are subject to change without notice.
The detector must be installed only by qualified professional
personnel in accordance with local codes.
The protection provided by the gas detector may be impaired if it is
used in a manner not specified by Honeywell Analytics.
ALARM-2, ATAG, Clean Room Sentry, COP-i, Complete Optical
Path Integrity, CM1, CM1-A, DartLogic, FireLogic, Honeywell
Analytics VSD-8 Honeywell Analytics VSD-8 Visual Smoke
Detection System, VSD-4, VSD-8, Fire Signature Analysis,
FireBusI, FireBusII, FirePic, FirePicII, FirePicIII, FirePix,
FirePicture, FSC, Honeywell Analytics, Honeywell Analytics, FSX,
All FSX Nomenclature Variations (such as: FS2, FS2X, FS3,
FS3X, FS4, FS4X, FS5, FS5X, FS6, FS6X, FS7, FS7X, FS8,
FS8X, FS9, FS9X, FS10X, FS10X, FS11, FS11X, FS12, FS12X,
FS14, FS14X, FS15, FS15X, FS16, FS16X, FS17, FS17X FS18,
FS18X, FS19, FS19X, FS20, FS20X, FS24, FS24X, FS24XN,
FS26, FS26X, FS26XN), FS7-2173-2RP, FS System 7, FS System
10, FS7-2173, FS7-2173-RP, FS2000, FS System 2000, High
Speed Flame & Surveillance Detector, Multi-Spectrum QuadBand
Triple IR, Multi-Spectrum TriBand, Multi-Spectrum Tri-Band, Near
Band Infrared, Near Band IR, NearBand IR, QuadBand IR, Room
Sentry, RS, RS2, SM2, SM3, SS, SS2, SS2X, SS2-A, SS3, SS3-A,
SS3X, SS4, SS4-A, SS4X, SnapShot, SLR-BIT, SuperBus,
SuperSentry, System 2000, Tri-Mode Plot, QuadBand Triple IR
Plus, TriBand, Tri-Band, “FS & FSC triangle logo’s”, WBIR, Wide
Band Infrared, WideBand IR, Wide Band IRare registered
trademarks of Honeywell
International Inc.