Accept Fault
This menu is only displayed when a new fault has occurred; entering this menu silences the fault buzzer and places an event in the
event log, then returns the user to the main menu. The accept faults menu will now be hidden until a new fault occurs.
View Current Fault
This menu is an information only menu. It displays only current faults that are present on the system (if any)
Current faults: 1
Missing outstation 4
Scroll through the root menu using the navigation keys until
View current fault
is selected. Press TICK to enter the
View current
Use the navigation keys to scroll through the faults if there are more than three.
View Fault Log
This menu is an information only menu. It displays the last 99 faults that have occurred, recording the type of fault and the date
and time the fault occurred.
Fault 1 of 3
Fault occurred
Missing outstation 4
10:56:02 01|01|11
Scroll through the root menu using the navigation keys until
View fault log
is selected. Press TICK to enter the
View fault log
Use the navigation keys to scroll through the faults, pressing * exits.
View Event Log
This menu is an information only menu. It displays the last 99 events that have occurred, recording the type of event and the date
and time the event occurred. The following are classed as events: Fault acknowledgement, configuration change, log in, log out,
and system initialised (on power up).
Event 1 of 99
Logged On
10:56:02 01|01|11
Scroll through the root menu using the navigation keys until
View event log
is selected. Press TICK to enter the
View event log
Use the navigation keys to scroll through the events.
View Call log
This menu is an information only menu. It displays the last 999 Calls that have occurred, on this EVCS-CMPT9.
Call 1 of 999
Master handset
Outstation off hook
10:56:02 01|01|11
Use the navigation keys to scroll through the calls.