Genuine Honda accessories have been
specifically designed for and tested on this
motorcycle. Because the factory cannot test
all other accessories, you are personally
responsible for proper selection, installation,
and use of non-Honda accessories. Always
follow the guidelines under Loading, and
L a r g e f o r k - m o u n t e d f a i r i n g s o r
windshields, or poorly designed or
improperly mounted fairings can produce
aerodynamic forces that cause unstable
handling. Do not install fairings that
decrease cooling air flow to the engine.
Carefully inspect the accessory to make
sure it does not obscure any lights,
reduce ground clearance and banking
angle, or limit suspension travel, steering
travel or control operation.
Vehicle handling and stability can be
adversely af f ected by loose cargo.
Recheck cargo security and accessory
mounts frequently.
Do not attach large or heavy items (such
as a sleeping bag or tent) to the
handlebars, fork, or fender. Unstable
handling or slow steering response may
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