Preparing to Paint
Before painting, it is important to first gather the materials you will need for prep, painting and
clean-up. This will insure that you have what you need when you need it and keep your project
moving smoothly. Below is a list of suggested items you may find helpful or necessary.
Safety Equipment
Latex gloves
Dust mask or respirator
Safety glasses or goggles
Hearing protection
Painting/Staining Items
Sandpaper / sanding block
Large piece of cardboard to test
spray pattern
Drop cloths, tarps or plastic
sheeting (at least 10'x20')
Masking tape, 1" and/or 2" roll,
duct tape
or similar pre-taped
poly or paper to cover windows
Stir sticks
Empty bucket for priming sprayer
and clean-up
Latex paint conditioner
Paint brush for touch-ups
Cardboard for masking
Spray shield
Clean-Up Items
Cleaning rags / paper towels
Buckets for cleaning
Mineral spirits for oil based products
Optional Items
Drill mixer
Hot air tool
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