Flying the Drone
All of the following operations on this manual are taking mode 2 for example.
1. Preparing:
a. Fly the drone in a spacious indoors area, or an outdoors area free of obstacles, rain, snow,
animals, and people. When flying outdoors, please choose a windless environment.
b. Install the battery into the battery compartment on the drone and connect it.
2. Pair the drone:
a. Power on the drone and the transmitter, then, place the drone on a level surface.
b. Push the throttle joystick up then down. If done correctly, the transmitter sound will beep ,
and the LED indicators will turn solid, indicating that the transmitter is connected to the drone.
3. Calibrate the gyro:
a. After pairing the transmitter, hold the flip button on the upper right shoulder of the transmitter.
b. Push both left and right sticks to the bottom left until the LED lights of the drone start
flashing and then turn solid.
(Note: This operations is to ensure a stable flight, we suggest the pilot calibrate the gyro before
each flight and after a crash.)
4. Start to fly:
a. Press the Engine Start / Stop button, the propellers begin to spin, and the drone is ready to
take off.
b. Throttle up carefully and the drone will take off and will hover in the sky if you release left
and right joysticks at the same time.
c. When flying, press the Engine Start / Stop button and the drone will land.
d. If you need to urgently stop the motors, push the left stick to the bottom left, and push the
right stick to the bottom right at the same time for about 1 second.(Shown as picture below)
(Note: Only stop motors mid-flight in emergency situation when doing so can reduce the risk of
damage or injury.)
Emergency Landing