Rev. 1.40
De�e��e� 1�� �01�
Rev. 1.40
De�e��e� 1�� �01�
Enhanced Touch A/D Flash MCU with LCD Driver
Enhanced Touch A/D Flash MCU with LCD Driver
Internal High Speed RC Oscillator − HIRC
The internal RC oscillator is a fully integrated system oscillator requiring no external components.
The internal RC oscillator has a fixed frequency of 8/12/16 MHz. Device trimming during the
manufacturing process and the inclusion of internal frequency compensation circuits are used to
ensure that the influence of the power supply voltage, temperature and process variations on the
oscillation frequency are minimised. As a result, at a power supply of 3V or 5V and at a temperature
of 25°C degrees, the fixed oscillation frequency of 12MHz will have a tolerance within 2%. Note
that if this internal system clock option is selected, as it requires no external pins for its operation, I/
O pins are free for use as normal I/O pins.
External 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator − LXT
The External 32.768 kHz Crystal System Oscillator is one of the low frequency oscillator choices,
which is selected via a software control bit, FSS. This clock source has a fixed frequency of
32.768kHz and requires a 32.768 kHz crystal to be connected between pins XT1 and XT2. The
external resistor and capacitor components connected to the 32.768 kHz crystal are necessary to
provide oscillation. For applications where precise frequencies are essential, these components may
be required to provide frequency compensation due to different crystal manufacturing tolerances.
After the LXT oscillator is enabled by setting the LXTEN bit to 1, there is a time delay associated
with the LXT oscillator waiting for it to start-up.
When the microcontroller enters the SLEEP or IDLE Mode, the system clock is switched off to stop
microcontroller activity and to conserve power. However, in many microcontroller applications it may
be necessary to keep the internal timers operational even when the microcontroller is in the SLEEP or
IDLE Mode. To do this, another clock, independent of the system clock, must be provided.
However, for some crystals, to ensure oscillation and accurate frequency generation, it is necessary
to add two small value external capacitors, C1 and C2. The exact values of C1 and C2 should be
selected in consultation with the crystal or resonator manufacturer’s specification. The external
parallel feedback resistor, Rp, is required.
The pin-shared software control bits determine if the XT1/XT2 pins are used for the LXT oscillator
or as I/O or other pin-shared functional pins.
• If the LXT oscillator is not used for any clock source, the XT1/XT2 pins can be used as normal I/O
or other pin-shared functional pins.
• If the LXT oscillator is used for any clock source, the 32.768 kHz crystal should be connected to
the XT1/XT2 pins.