a. ZPut the cuff on in accordance with the description in the
Putting the cuff
on section.
b. After putting the cuff on and positioning the body comfortably,
press the ON/OFF button. All the symbols will be displayed for
autodiagnostic purposes (Fig. 1).
c. Then, the current “memory bank” will start blinking on
the display (Fig. 2). To move to a different “memory bank”,
press MEM. Confirm the selection by pressing the ON/OFF
button. The current measurement result may be saved in the
“memory bank” automatically, after staying idle for 5 minutes.
d. If the monitor has saved the results, the newest result will
show on the display (Fig. 3). If no results have been saved yet,
“0” will show on the display (Fig. 4).
e. Then, the device will be ready for the measurement (Fig. 5).
f. The cuff will be automatically inflated up to the point when no
more air can be inflated. Then the device will slowly release
the air from the cuff and perform the measurement. At the
end, all the results will be shown on the display. The blood
pressure classification indicator and the irregular pulse (if it
occurs) symbol will blink on the screen (Fig. 6). The result will
be automatically saved in the device.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 3
Fig. 4