Step 2
Step 2
Step 10
Choose a Calm Day
We know you want to fl y your Super
Cub as soon as you have it. However,
fl ying in too much wind can place your
aircraft in jeopardy. On your fi rst fl ights,
make sure that the winds are no more
than 5–7 mph (8–11 k/h).
To check the wind conditions:
• Tie the antenna ribbon to the
• Hold the transmitter so the antenna
is parallel to the ground.
If the fl ag hangs down, it is calm
enough to fl y. If the angle between the
antenna and the fl ag is less than 20
degrees, it is too windy and you need
to postpone your fl ight.
Step 11
Range Test
Prior to your fi rst fl ight, you will need
to perform a range test. Two people
are needed to do this—one to hold the
airplane and one to hold the transmitter.
1. One person holds the transmitter
while the other person walks 100
paces away with the Super Cub.
2. Be sure the throttle slider is in the
3. Extend the antenna and turn on the
4. Plug in the fl ight battery, close the
hatch cover, and turn the latch so the
hatch cover stays in place.
5. As soon as the throttle is advanced,
the prop should spin quickly.
6. As the person moves the transmitter
controls, the airplane should respond
correctly with the controls operating
Warning: The person holding the airplane needs to
make sure the propeller will not come in contact with
any clothing, hair, or parts of the body.
100 paces
too windy
allowed wind