ACT Flying Tips
Step 12
• Never fl y at too low of an altitude
and expect ACT
to save you from
a crash. You must maintain an altitude
of at least 200 feet (61 meters) for
the software to be able to help
• Even when fl ying with ACT on, if you
feel that your aircraft is in jeopardy
reduce the throttle immediately and
release the stick. You can then add a
small amount of up elevator (pull
back slightly on the stick), as well, to
aid the recovery.
• Because the sensors are used to
activate the protective software,
there may be times when they can
be fooled. This may be especially
true when fl ying in very bright sun
shine and/or when the sun is close
to the horizon.
• With ACT on, never fl y over water,
light colored sand, ice, snow, or
Step 13
anything else that can refl ect light
and “fool” the sensors.
• Never fl y in too tight of an area.
will not
prevent you from crashing into
trees, buildings, or other obstacles.
• Make several successful fl ights
(including several soft landings) prior
to attempting to fl y with ACT off.
• Never let the aircraft fl y too far down
wind from you, which can cause the
aircraft to fl y away.
• It is always a good idea to have an
experienced pilot who has mastered
control with at least a 3-channel
radio system to help you on your
fi rst fl ights.
Your HobbyZone
Super Cub is
equipped with a third channel for pitch
control (elevator). Pulling back on the
transmitter stick will cause the nose of
the airplane to raise and allows for more
tighter turns, shorter runway take-offs,
fl ares for landing, a better climb rate,
and the ability to perform aerobatic
maneuvers, such as loops and stalls.
However, giving too much UP elevator
(pulling back too much on the stick) can
also place your aircraft in jeopardy, as
your airplane can enter an unplanned
stall, especially when the plane is travel-
ing at slower speeds.
Using Elevator (Pitch Control)
Just after a stall occurs, the nose of the
airplane will go down, and the airplane
will begin to enter a dive. To recover
from a stall, pull the stick back slowly
(UP elevator) to pull the nose up and
out of the dive. This should return the
airplane to straight and level fl ight. Be
careful, as pulling back too quickly or
too far will once again cause the plane
to enter a stall.