step 5
Fix carefully the prop and the spinner as per picture.
Control Throws
Step 1
Turn on the transmitter and receiver of your model. Check the movement of the rudder using the
transmitter. When
the stick is moved right, the rudder should also move right. Reverse the direction of the servo at the
transmitter if
Step 2
Check the movement of the elevator with the radio system. Moving the elevator stick toward the bottom
of the transmitter will make the airplane elevator move up.
Step 3
Check the movement of the ailerons with the radio system. Moving the aileron stick right will make the
right aileron
move up and the left aileron move down.
Step 4
Use a ruler to adjust the throw of the elevator, ailerons and rudder.
Aileron High Rate
Up 1-inch (25mm) 23 Degrees
Down 1-inch (25mm) 23 Degrees
Aileron Low Rate
Up 5/8-inch (16mm) 14 Degrees
Down 5/8-inch (16mm) 14 Degrees
Elevator High Rate
Up 13/8-inch (35mm) 21 Degrees
Down 13/8-inch (35mm) 21 Degrees
Measurements are taken at the widest point on the control surface. These are general guidelines
measured from our own flight tests. You can experiment with higher or lower rates to match your
preferred style of flying.
Note: Travel Adjust, Sub Trim and Dual Rates are not listed and should be adjusted according to each
individual model and preference.
Rates and expos
Use the recommended expos to soften the feel of the model, especially on high rates. The goal is to
get the model to feel the same around neutral as it does on low rates.
Use low rate settings for all flying, included starts and landings,
and high rate for snap, spins etc.
Elevator Low Rate
Up 7/8-inch (22mm) 14 Degrees
Down 7/8-inch (22mm) 14 Degrees
Rudder High Rate
Left 11/2-inch (38mm) 25 Degrees
Right 11/2-inch (38mm) 25 Degrees
Rudder Low Rate
Left 1-inch (25mm) 17 Degrees
Right 1-inch (25mm) 17 Degrees