Getting Ready for Flight
1. While building your Twinstar, make sure to follow the instructions. Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so may result in an unsafe or
unflyable model. In a few cases the instructions differ slightly from the photos. In those instances the instructions are correct.
2. You must install all components so the model operates on the ground as well as in the air.
3. You must check the operation of the model before EVERY flight to ensure all equipment is operating, and the model has remained structurally
sound. Be sure to check the clevises and other connectors often and replace them if they show signs of wear or fatigue
4. When you are preparing to go and fly your model, make sure to fully charge the radio system according to the manufacturer’s instructions the
night before. Fully prepare your field box, making sure you have the necessary items for starting your engines. Remember to take along spare
propellers and glow plugs, as well as some epoxy and CA glue, just in case. Being prepared at the field will make your flying experience much
more enjoyable.
Other Items You’ll Need:
Choose 6-minute and 30-minute epoxy, such as Great Planes
Epoxy, which has been formulated especially for R/C model
building. Pro Epoxies offer a strong bond and a variety of curing
times suited for every step of assembly. You’ll also need a thin
instant-setting CA (cyanoacrylate), a thicker CA+, plus rubbing
alcohol for easy epoxy cleanup.
Model Engine
Power your Twinstar with two high-quality, .25
to.32-size model engines. The O.S
. .25 FP, or
O.S. .32 F are fine engines for this plane. Look for
features such as easy break-in, easy starting,
efficient carburetion and low maintenance. Check
the manufacturer’s recommendations for
propellers to use with your engine.
Radio Equipment
In selecting a radio system for your Twinstar, you’ll need at least a
4-channel radio system with five standard servos. Many of the
4-channel radios offered include only three servos, so it may be
necessary to purchase two extra servos along with your radio
system. Unless you are planning to use a computer radio and mix
the throttle servos, you will also need a “Y” harness for your
Twinstar. The servos and receiver will be mounted on-board your
model and need to be cushioned from shock and vibration. One-
half inch thick foam rubber sheets (HCAQ1050) are available from
your hobby dealer for this purpose
Tools and accessories required for
assembly include a hobby knife; small and
large Phillips screwdrivers; needle nose
pliers; drill with 1/16", 1/8", 3/32" 3/16",
5/32" and 5/64" bits; ruler; 2 feet of medium
fuel tubing; and 150 to 200-grit sandpaper.
Other General Items Required
Epoxy Brushes (GPMR8062)
Mixing Sticks (GPMR8055)
1/4" Foam Rubber (HCAQ1050)
T-Pins (HCAR5150)
Masking Tape
Felt-Tip Pen
Sanding Block
Adjustable Wrench
Paper Towels
Builders Triangle Set (HCAR0480)
Plastic Wrap or Wax Paper
Round Toothpicks
Wire Cutter
Thread Locking Compound
70% Isopropyl Alcohol
Small Hobby Clamps
Razor Saw