16. Drill six 1/16" holes at the marks. Make sure to drill straight in
through to the other side and mount the three horns to the
surfaces with the 2 x 20mm screws. Pass the screws through the
horn, through the surface and finally thread them into the
19. Align the control rods over the respective servo horns and make a
mark where they intersect. Make sure that the control surfaces
are in neutral (center position) before marking.
17. Slide one of the retaining tubes onto each rod. Screw on the
plastic snap clevises to the three push rods coming out of the
fuselage. Screw them on half way up the threads.
20. Next, make a 90° bend upwards at the mark and cut off the
excess so that there is only 6mm of rod after the bend.
18. Attach the respective control rods to each horn. Use the middle
hole of the horn. Make sure that both elevator surfaces are the
same. You will have to adjust the clevises to equalize. Next, slide
up the retaining tubes to lock the clevises.
21. Attach the rods to the servos using the rod clevises as shown in
the above picture. You may need to enlarge the holes in the
horns slightly for a good fit. Check to ensure that when right
rudder is given, the nose wheel also turns right. If not, simply
install the E-Z Connector on the other side of the servo arm.