1. Locate three plywood wing joiners. Using
6-minute epoxy, glue them together to form the
wing joiner.
2. After the glue has cured, test fit the joiner into
the wing. Be sure that the upward angle of the
joiner is towards the top of the wing.
3. Once you are satisfied with the fit of the wing
joiner, apply a liberal amount of 30-minute epoxy to
the joiner and the wing ribs. Put the wing joiner into
the joiner box in the wing and push the two wing
halves together and allow the glue to cure.
4. Use masking tape to hold the two wing halves
together while the epoxy cures. Wipe away any
excess epoxy from the wing surface with Isopropyl
5. Locate the plywood aileron servo tray. Place
it in position over the opening in the bottom of the
wing. With a felt-tip pen, mark the position of the
servo tray.
Wing Assembly