Order code
EN 600068-2-78: Damp heat, +40°C, 93% humidity for 4 days.
Digital input
Usage: To control roaming between Bluetooth access points (NAP)
Wired interface
Serial: RS232/485
Baud rate: 2.400 - 921.600 kbit/s, data bits 5-8, stop bits 1-2, parity None, Odd, Even.
Transparent serial protocol transfer including support for Modbus-RTU.
Ethernet: 10/100BASE-T with automatic MDI/MDIX auto cross-over detection. For
configuration only.
Wireless LAN
Wireless standards: WLAN 802.11 a, b, g, n, d, r (fast roaming).
Operation modes: Access point or Client
WiFi channels: 2.4 GHz, channel 1-11 + 12-13 depending on regulatory domain scan. 5 GHz
Access Point: 36-48 (U-NII-1), 5 GHz Client: 100-116 + 132-140 and 120-128 depending on
regulatory domain scan. (U-NII-1, U-NII-2, U-NII-2e).
RF output power: 13.75 dBm
Max number of slaves for Access Point: 7
Power consumption: 54mA@24VDC
Net data throughput: 20 Mbps. Link speed: max 65 Mbps (802.11n SISO)
Security: WEP 64/128, WPA, WPA-PSK and WPA2, TKIP and AES/CCMP, LEAP, PEAP including
Classic Bluetooth
Wireless standards (profiles): PANU & NAP
Operation modes: Access point or Client
RF output power: 9.75 dBm
Max number of slaves for Access Point: 7
Power consumption: 36 mA@24VDC
Net data throughput: ~1 Mbps
Bluetooth version support: Classic Bluetooth v2.1
Security: Authentication & Authorization, Encryption & Data Protection, Privacy &
Confidentiality, NIST Compliant, FIPS Approved
Technical Specifications
Wireless Bolt Serial
SP2554 2.0
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