“Open Window Detection” function
The “Open Window Detection” function enables detecting of an open window
by sensing a sudden decrease of the temperature in the room. In such a case,
the device deactivates the heating element for a maximum of 30 minutes or
until an increase of the room temperature reveals that the window has been
To activate this function:
- Enter into “Stand-by” mode.
- Press the
button for 3 seconds.
- Press the
button to activate / deactivate the function
- Press the
button to commit and return into “Stand-by” mode.
When this function is enabled, the “Open Window” icon on the display is lit.
When the device detects that the window is potentially opened, the “Open
Window” icon starts blinking
When the function is disabled the “Open Window” icon is not shown on the
The device could fail in detecting an opened window e.g. if the
thermostat is located on an isolated area of the room and far from air currents
or if the thermostat is placed close to an external heating source, or if the
temperature variation in the room is too slow.
In the case of overheating, a safety device automatically cuts the radiators
operation. After cooling the radiator will automatically reset.