Acrobatic and Glider Models (ACGL)
In this section, we will explain the main programming features of the Optic 6 and provide you
with examples of how to use these features. Before we begin, remember to read and
understand the basic control system set-up for your aircraft as provided by the manufacturer of
the model. While modern radio systems allow for a wide variety of adjustments to be made
without making mechanical adjustments to the actual linkages on the plane, it is always wise to
install the control rods and linkages correctly and without excessive play or loose fittings.
Install your servos with the output arms centered up such that the arms will move equally in
both directions and allow for maximum control rod movement. Control rods must be free from
binding or bending under any load to allow complete movement of the control surfaces and for
the servo to return the surface to its’ neutral position. Servos must be installed on a solid
mount, free from movement, which may prevent the control surfaces from moving consistently
or from centering accurately. Once you are confident about your equipment installation, we
can begin programming your Optic 6 to get your aircraft ready for flight.
In this section, we will begin with basic set-up operations, starting the way that most builders
will perform a set-up once the servos are installed.
The first thing to check on a new installation is the direction of the control surface movement.
You need to make sure that left rudder actually makes the rudder move to the left. If you find
that the rudder moves in the wrong direction, then servo reversing will correct this. Begin by
depressing both the UP and DOWN Edit keys after the transmitter has been turned ON. This
will bring up the Main Menu Functions. Use the UP or DOWN Edit keys to find the REV
screen on the LCD display. To reverse the direction of a servo, use the Left(<) or Right(>)
Cursor key to highlight the channel you wish to correct. In the case of the rudder, we wish to
reverse channel 4. Once Channel 4 has been selected, simply press the CLEAR key once to
reverse the servo direction. Pressing the CLEAR key a second time will return the direction
back to where is was previously. Now, check the actual movement on your model to confirm
the servo now moves in the correct direction. You may do this for all 6 channels under the
Optic system. To return to the normal mode, depress both of the Edit keys at the same time
once again.
It’s actually pretty often that you find that your control surfaces are not at the neutral position
when you first set-up the model with radio gear. You may have been very careful to center up
the servo arms and match the pushrods to proper length, but the end result may still show the