The Optic 6 system is capable of transmitting a signal using a standard PPM (Pulse
Proportional Modulation) encryption method, or QPCM (Hitec’s Q Pulse Code Modulation)
encryption method. PPM mode is the “normal” FM type of signal encryption used by a
majority of modern radio system and is common to all major brands of radios. QPCM is
Hitec’s exclusive system that adds another layer of reliability to your radio system by using
digital signal encryption to provide better signal reception with less chance for interference by
static or stray signals. Only the Hitec QPCM receivers may be used with this mode of
transmission. To change the Modulation type of your Optic 6, enter the Model Setup Functions
screen by depressing both the UP and DOWN Edit keys while turning ON the main power
switch to the Optic 6, then use either the UP or DOWN Edit keys until you scroll to the flashing
PPM screen or QPCM screen, whichever was left active in this model memory position. To
switch the modulation type, simply press either the < or > Cursor key and note the screen. If
you wish to use PPM, the screen should flash PPM. If you wish to use the Hitec QPCM signal
encryption, the screen should be flashing QPCM. To exit the screen, simply turn the Optic 6
transmitter OFF.
Screen Shot Missing
Mode I and Mode II style sticks deals with the control stick set-up and channel assignment. In
Mode I, the elevator and rudder controls are assigned to the Right stick assembly, while the
ailerons and throttle are assigned to the Left stick assembly. This mode is the predominant
style of flying in Europe and for precision aerobatic pilots, where separation of the pitch and
roll control is desired. Mode II style sticks has the ailerons and elevator on the Right side
sticks and rudder with throttle on the Left side sticks. This is most popular style of
arrangement within the United States. Your Optic 6 will arrive as a Mode II design, unless
purchased by special order as a Mode I style system. We do not recommend changing the
transmitter from one mode to another on your own. Instead, if you need to have the Mode
switched, please contact us at Hitec for assistance.
Your Optic 6 system has two internal timers, plus a system timer to assist you in many ways.
Many times, it is wise to keep track of how long you have been in the air and to make sure you
still have fuel left to make a safe landing. Other times, it’s good to know just how long you
have been airborne while taking advantage of those summertime thermals that seem to be
endless. Just remember that the timers provide a convenient method of reminding you when it
may be time to land your aircraft. Programmable timer No. 1 provides a “count-down” style of
timing from 60 minutes or less, down to a minimum set time of one (1) minute. You may start
a timer at anytime during your flight as well as stop the timer function at anytime by pressing
the Right cursor key once. To stop the timer, press the Right cursor key again. You may reset
the timer by pressing the Left cursor key. During the final 10 seconds of a timed sequence, the