You may copy the settings of one model in memory to another memory location using the
COPY command. This is very useful when experimenting with new settings for the aircraft, as
you can retain all of your existing setting with the original memory location while trying any
new settings in the copied model location. This way, you may always fall back on the original
settings if you need to do so. It is a good idea not to retain the same name for the model to the
copied memory location, just to keep from being confused later on. The procedure for making
a COPY is to enter the Model Setup Functions screen by depressing both the UP and DOWN
Edit keys while turning ON the main power switch to the Optic 6, then use either the UP or
DOWN Edit keys until you scroll to the COPY screen. The default screen will have an arrow
indicator above Channel 1, for the Master model, and there will be a flashing arrow indicator
below Channel 1 to indicate the Slave model location, which is the model location where the
Master model will be copied to. To select the model location where the copy will be sent to,
use the > Cursor key to move the Slave arrow indicator to the model location you wish. To
make the copy, press down both the (-) and (+) Data keys at once and the Optic 6 will beep
rapidly to indicate the copy process has started. When the beeping stops, the copy is completed
and ready to use. To exit the screen, simply turn your Optic 6 transmitter OFF and then turn
ON the transmitter to use the system.
This feature allows you to select the method of signal shift that is used to encode the signals to
your receiver. The type of shift used in the modeling world is either Negative Shift or Positive
Shift. Airtronics (Sanwa), and JR Radio brand systems utilize a Positive Shift signal, while
Futaba and Hitec radios use the Negative Shift signal. With the Optic 6 system, it does not
matter which brand of receiver you may wish to use as the Optic can accommodate most all
receivers regardless of shift, except for PCM type receivers. The Optic 6 can utilize the Hitec
QPCM receivers only for PCM signal encoding. Setting the shift mode in one model in
memory does not affect any other model in memory, and so it is normal to have any number of
models in memory using negative shift or positive shift, as needed by you, the pilot. Selection
of the shift type is easily accomplished, as follows:
Enter the Model Setup Functions screen by depressing both the UP and DOWN Edit keys while
turning ON the main power switch to the Optic 6, then use either the UP or DOWN Edit keys
until you scroll to the SFT-N screen. As the default, the letter “N” should be flashing,
indicating the shift is set for Negative Shift mode. Use the > or < Cursor key to change the
shift type from Negative to Positive or back as you wish. To exit this screen, you may simply
turn the Optic 6 power OFF. All settings will remain in memory as changed.