Model Selection
The Optic 6 can retain 8 models into the internal memory. This memory is non-volatile
memory and requires no back-up battery or other power source to retain any of the model
settings. You may remove the main battery pack without worry of memory loss within the
transmitter. Each model memory position is separate and distinct from all others, meaning that
whatever settings you create or delete on one model will have no bearing upon any other model
memory setting. The factory default for any model position in memory is the Acro/Glider
(ACGL) type.
This function allows you to select which model in the transmitter memory you wish to bring up
for use. By holding down the two EDIT keys while simultaneously turning the power on, you
will enter into the Model Setup Function menu and this will be the first function on the screen.
Simply select the model by using to the Cursor Right (>) or Left (<) button. If you are not sure
of which model is being selected by the model number, select which model number you think
is correct and then press the UP or DOWN Edit key to scroll to the model Name. This should
confirm for you which model you have selected. Once you have the correct model on screen,
turn the transmitter OFF, and the next time you turn the power ON again, the model you
selected will be operational.
Model Name:
You may also name the model by scrolling to the Model Name screen. Press the UP Edit key
and this will take you to the Model Name screen. The first place mark will be flashing,
meaning you may change this letter to read whatever you wish. In this case, let’s name the
plane “Alpha”. Use the Data (-) or (+) keys to change the letters until you get to the letter “A”.
Move to the next place by pressing the Cursor Right (>) key once and then select another letter.
Continue doing this until you have completed the name. Once completed, you may now press
the UP cursor key once more to go to the Model Type Select screen.
Model Type, ACRO/GLID or HELI
In the Model Type select screen we select the Model Type either ACRO or HELI, the default is
Acro/glider mode (ACGL), and this will be flashing at you on the screen. To change this to the
Helicopter mode, simply press the Cursor Right (>) key once, and the mode will be changed.
You have now selected which model in memory you wish to use, given the model a name for
identification, and selected the type of model to program. Let’s move on to some other options
you can perform while in the Model Setup Menu.