Using the Timer for Washing
Finishing time can be set to 3-12 hours later. This convenient function is designed to wash
clothes when you go out or wash during night time and dry in the morning. (BLANKET,
TUB DRY, TUB CLEAN course cannot be used with timer)
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4. Press START button.
3. Select wash course.
2. Select finishing time.
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1. Press power button and
load laundry. /
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Pulsator rotates for 15 seconds
and the recommended amount of
detergent will be indicated.
All other indicators are off except
timer indicator.
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12 hours later 12 ™¡. „ÀâÀ≈—ß
3 hours later 3 ™¡. „ÀâÀ≈—ß
No setup ‰¡àµ—È߇«≈“
5. Pour in powdered detergent and close the lid.
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Hold the bulge part at the detergent dispenser and pull it forward to fill in powdered
detergent. (Dispenser in released position)
For concentrated powder detergent use only.
Put the dispenser back in position after timed washing finishes.
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Precautions /
Make sure that the detergent dispenser is dry, otherwise, detergent may stick on the
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Precautions /
The timer operation will be cancelled when
electricity shuts down.
The actual washing time varies according to
different types and quantities of laundry and
amount of water injected, as a result, it may
differ from the preset washing time slightly.
To prevent wrinkles, take out and hang dry
laundry as soon as washing finishes.
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In the following cases
To verify the time setup : Keep pressing the delay start button to check
progress and remaining time.
To cancel the timer washing process : Turn the power off.
When water injection is slow (approximately below 10
/ minute) or detergent
remains in dispenser : Wrap powder detergent in a handkerchief and put it in
the middle of the basket. Make sure the detergent is not scattered.
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Select finishing time by pressing the delay timer button.
Indicator shows finishing time if timer LED is on.
Indicator shows other than finishing time if timer LED is blinking.
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