Hitachi RCD-2.0FSR Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1





2 - way cassette























PMML0549 rev.1 - 02/2021 - A10761230A

Содержание RCD-2.0FSR


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Страница 3: ...gette a modifica senza preavviso affinché Hitachi possa offrire ai propri clienti le ultime novità Sebbene sia stata posta la massima cura nel garantire la correttezza dei dati Hitachi non è responsabile per eventuali errori di stampa che esulano dal proprio controllo Português As especificações apresentadas neste manual estão sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio de modo a que a Hitachi possa of...

Страница 4: ...em állnak a Hitachi ellenőrzése alatt ezekért a hibákért a Hitachi nem tehető felelőssé Latviešu Šīs rokasgrāmatas specifikācijas var mainīties bez brīdinājuma lai Hitachi varētu saviem klientiem piedāvāt jaunākās inovācijas Lai gan tiek pieliktas visas pūles nodrošinot ka visas specifikācijas ir pareizas drukāšanas kļūdas ir ārpus Hitachi kontroles Hitachi nevar būt atbildīga par šīm kļūdām Lietu...

Страница 5: ...e al momento dell acquisto di una nuova apparecchiatura di tipo equivalente L adeguata raccolta differenziata delle apparecchiature dismesse per il loro avvio al riciclaggio al trattamento ed allo smalti mento ambientalmente compatibile contribuisce ad evitare possibili effetti negativi sull ambiente e sulla salute e favorisce il riciclo dei materiali di cui è composta l apparecchiatura Non tentat...

Страница 6: ...bbi információért forduljon az illetékes hatósághoz UZMANĪBA Pēc produkta lietošanas beigām to nedrīkst jaukt ar vispārējiem mājsaimniecības atkritumiem un saskaņā ar attiecīgajiem vietējiem vai nacionālajiem noteikumiem tas jālikvidē videi draudzīgā veidā Sakarā ar dzesējošo vielu eļļu un citām sastāvdaļām kas atrodas gaisa kondicionētājā tā demontāža saskaņā ar piemērojamiem noteikumiem jāveic p...

Страница 7: ...g wenn das Kältemittel in Kontakt mit einer äußeren Zündquelle kommt VORSICHT Dieses auf dem Gerät angezeigte Symbol zeigt an dass dieses Gerät ein entzündbares Kältemittel verwendet Bei einem Kältemit telaustritt besteht die Gefahr der Entzündung wenn das Kältemittel in Kontakt mit einer äußeren Zündquelle kommt VORSICHT Dieses auf dem Gerät angezeigte Symbol zeigt an dass wichtige Informationen ...

Страница 8: ...raat geeft aan dat het apparaat is gevuld met R32 een geurloos ontvlambaar koelmiddel met een lage brandsnelheid klasse A2L volgens ISO 817 Als het koelmiddel lekt kan het ontbranden wanneer het in contact komt met een ex terne ontstekingsbron LET OP Dit symbool op het apparaat geeft aan dat het apparaat alleen door bevoegd personeel mag worden gebruikt met verwijzing naar de installatiehandleidin...

Страница 9: ...odu k instalaci a obsluze Eesti HOIATUS LÕHKEMISOHT Ärge laske jahutussüsteemi s o torustikku õhku või gaasisegu mis sisaldab hapnikku HOIATUS See sümbol seadme peal näitab et seade on täidetud lõhnatu tuleohtliku aeglase põlemiskiirusega jahutusgaasiga R32 stand ardi ISO 817 järgi klass A2L Kui jahutusvahendit lekib võib see kokkupuutel välise süüteallikaga põlema süttida ETTEVAATUST See sümbol s...

Страница 10: na jednostce oznacza że w Instrukcji obsługi i lub Instrukcji instalacji znajdują się ważne informacje na dany temat OSTROŻNIE Szczegółowe informacje można znaleźć w Instrukcji instalacji i obsługi Română AVERTISMENT PERICOL DE DEFLAGRAȚIE Nu permiteți pătrunderea aerului sau oricărui amestec de gaz care conține oxigen în ciclul agentului frigorific adică în conducte AVERTISMENT Această pictogr...

Страница 11: ...aves o incluso la destrucción del sistema Compruebe en los manuales de las unidades interior y exterior que dispone de toda la información necesaria para la correcta instalación del sistema Si no es así póngase en contacto con su distribuidor Unidad interior Unidad exterior Manual de Instalación y Funcionamiento Manual de Instalación CD ROM Manual de seguridad adicional para sistemas de aire acond...

Страница 12: ... In base ai manuali forniti con le unità interne ed esterne verificare di disporre di tutte le informazioni necessarie per l installazione corretta del sistema In caso contrario contattare il proprio rivenditore Unità interna Unità esterna Manuale d installazione e d uso Manuale di installazione CD ROM Manuale di sicurezza aggiuntivo per climatizzatore e pompa di calore con refrigerante R32 in con...

Страница 13: ...venska RISK FÖR EXPLOSION Kompression måste stängas av innan kylrören avlägsnas Alla serviceventiler måste stängas av ordentligt efter ned pumpning Försäkra att installation av enheten och kylrör uppfyller tillämpbara bestämmelser för varje land Inom Europa så måste man även uppfylla EN378 som tillämpbar standard Ytterligare information om den förvärvade produkten finns på en CD ROM som medföljer ...

Страница 14: ...alace chladivového potrubí splňují příslušné národní právní předpisy Zároveň musí v Evropě splňovat EN378 neboť jde o příslušnou normu Doplňkové informace o zakoupených produktech jsou dodávány na disku CD ROM který lze nalézt přiložený k venkovní jednotce Pokud CD ROM chybí nebo není čitelný obraťte se na prodejce nebo distributora společnosti Hitachi NEŽ ZAČNETE S INSTALACÍ KLIMATIZAČNÍHO SYSTÉM...

Страница 15: ...ijā aprakstīto uzstādīšanas izmantošanas un ekspluatācijas instrukciju neievērošanas gadījumā var rasties darbības traucējumi ieskaitot potenciāli nopietnus defektus vai pat gaisa kondicionēšanas sistēmas iznīcināšanu Saskaņā ar rokasgrāmatām kas iekļautas āra un iekštelpu ierīču komplektā pārbaudiet vai ir iekļauta visa informācija kas nepieciešama sistēmas pareizai uzstādīšanai Ja tas tā nav saz...

Страница 16: ...LE DE PE CD ROM ÎNAINTE DE A ÎNCEPE SĂ LUCRAȚI LA INSTALAREA SISTEMULUI DE AER CONDIȚIONAT Nerespectarea instrucțiunilor de instalare utilizare și operare descrise în această documentație poate conduce la defecțiuni de funcționare inclusiv la defecțiuni potențial grave sau chiar la distrugerea sistemului de aer condiționat Verificați în conformitate cu manualele care apar în unitățile exterioare ș...

Страница 17: ... Die Anlageninstallation und die Kältemittelleitungen müssen die entsprechenden lokalen und nationalen Vorschriften für das konzipierte Kältemittel einhalten Wegen des Kältemittels R32 und abhängig von der endgültigen Kältemittelmenge muss eine Mindestbodenfläche für die Installation berücksichtigt werden Wenn die Gesamtkältemittelmenge 1 84 kg beträgt gibt es keine zusätzlichen Anforderungen an d...

Страница 18: ...nima contacte o seu distribuidor Para mais informação sobre as tarefas de carga de refrigerante consulte o Manual de instalação da unidade exterior Dansk R32 Kølemiddelkredsløb Installationen af enheden og af kølemiddelrørene skal overholde alle relevante lokale og nationale forskrifter for det pågældende kølemiddel Som følge af R32 og afhængig af den endelige mængde af kølemiddel påfyldt skal ins...

Страница 19: ...φορίες σχετικά με την πλήρωση με ψυκτικό μέσο ανατρέξτε στο εγχειρίδιο εγκατάστασης της εξωτερικής μονά δας Български Кръг на хладилния агент R32 Монтажът на изделието и тръбите за хладилния агент следва да съответстват на съответните разпоредби в страната отнасящи се за предназначения за изделието хладилен агент Минималната площ за монтажа трябва да се съобрази с хладилния агент R32 и с крайното ...

Страница 20: ...él kisebb forduljon a forgalmazóhoz A hűtőközeg mennyiségére vonatkozó további információkért lásd a kültéri egység Telepítési útmutatóját Latviešu R32 Aukstumaģenta kontūrs Ierīces uzstādīšanai un aukstumaģenta cauruļvadiem jāatbilst attiecīgajiem vietējiem un nacionālajiem noteikumiem par projektēto aukstumaģentu Sakarā ar R32 aukstumaģenta daudzumu un atkarībā no aukstumaģenta galīgās uzlādes d...

Страница 21: ...tare de spațiu minim În cazul în care cantitatea de agent frigorific încărcată 1 84 kg există cerințe suplimentare de spațiu minim care trebuie verificate Cerințe de spațiu minim În cazul în care cantitatea de agent frigorific încărcată 1 84 kg unitatea trebuie instalată operată și depozitată într o încăpere cu un spațiu mai mare decât cea specificată în criteriul minim Consultați graficul și tabe...

Страница 22: ...oor de installatie Minsta rumsyta för installation Ελάχιστος χώρος δωματίου για την εγκατάσταση Минимална площ на помещението необходима за монтажа Minimální rozloha instalační plochy Minimaalne ruumi pindala paigaldamiseks A telepítéshez szükséges minimális alapterület Minimālā telpas platība uzstādīšanai Mažiausias patalpos plotas montavimui Minimalna powierzchnia wymagana do instalacji Suprafaț...

Страница 23: ...νοντας υπόψη το ύψος εγκατάστασης h0 m2 h0 Ύψος εγκατάστασης της κάτω πλευράς της εσωτερικής μονάδας την απόσταση από την κάτω πλευρά της εσωτερικής μονάδας έως το χαμηλότερο σημείο όπου μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθεί η διαρροή ψυκτικού στον εσωτερικό χώρο mc Συνολική πλήρωση με ψυκτικό μέσο του συστήματος που μπορεί ελευθερωθεί στον εσωτερικό χώρο σε περίπτωση που δεν ανιχνευτεί η διαρροή ψυκτικού μέσ...

Страница 24: ...s incendios o lesiones Deutsch GEFAHR Stellen Sie sicher dass die nachstehende Zahl bei 0 44kg m3 liegt Anderenfalls kann eine Gefahrensituation entstehen wenn Kältemittel aus dem Außengerät in den Raum gelangt in dem dieses Innengerät eingebaut ist Gesamt Kältemittelmenge pro Außengerät Größe des Raums in dem das Innengerät installiert ist 0 44kg m3 Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in der technisc...

Страница 25: ...aterial na unidade como por exemplo refrigerantes de hidrocarboneto propano etc oxigénio gases inflamáveis acetileno etc ou gases venenosos Estes gases inflamáveis são extremamente perigosos e podem causar uma explosão fogo ou ferimentos Dansk FARE Kontrollér at antallet herunder er inden for 0 44 kg m3 Ellers kan det skabe en faresituation hvis kølemidlet i udendørsenheden lækker ind i rummet hvo...

Страница 26: ...όπως ψυκτικά υδρογονάνθρακα προπάνιο ή κ λπ οξυγόνο εύφλεκτα υλικά ασετυλίνη κ λπ ή δηλητηριώδη αέρια κατά την εγκατάσταση τη συντήρηση και την μετακίνηση Αυτά τα εύφλεκτα υλικά είναι πολύ επικίνδυνα και μπορεί να προκαλέσουν έκρηξη φωτιά και τραυματισμό Български ОПАСНОСТ Проверете за да се уверите че числото отдолу е в рамките на 0 44 kg m3 Иначе може да се предизвика опасна ситуация ако хладилн...

Страница 27: ...zagtalan Ha azonban a kiszivárgott hűtőközeg tűzzel érintkezik mérgező gáz keletkezik Mivel a fluorkarbon a levegőnél nehezebb a padló szintjén felgyülemlik és fulladást okozhat A hűtőközeg ciklusban a kültéri egységnek megfelelő nem gyúlékony hűtőközeget R410A kell használni A telepítés kar bantartás vagy mozgatás során a készülékbe az R410A tól eltérő anyagokat például szénhidrogén alapú hűtőköz...

Страница 28: ...3 În caz contrar poate apărea un pericol dacă agentul frigorific din unitatea exterioară se scurge în încăperea în care este instalată această unitate interioară Cantitatea totală de agent frigorific pe o unitate exterioară Volumul încăperii în care este instalată această unitate interioară 0 44 kg m3 Pentru detalii consultați documentația tehnică a produsului și a unității exterioare Asigurați vă...

Страница 29: ...sie en de vertaalde versies heeft de Engelse versie voorrang SV Den engelska versionen är originalet och versionerna på andra språk är från engelska översättningar I händelse av bristande överensstämmelse mellan den engelska och den översatta ver sionerna skall den engelska versionen vara giltig EL Η αγγλική έκδοση είναι το πρωτότυπο και οι εκδόσεις σε άλλες γλώσσες μεταφράζονται από τα αγγλικά Σε...

Страница 30: ...eriana Antibakterielle Antibacteriëel Antibakteriellt Αντιβακτηριακές Антибактериално Antibakteriální Antibakteriaalne Antibakteriális Antibakteriāls Antibakterinis Antybakteryjne Antibacterian Антибактериальный Active substance Sustancia activa Aktivstoffe Substances actives Principi attivi Substância ativa Virksomt stof Actieve stof Verksamt ämne Δραστική ουσία Активно вещество Účinná látka Toim...



Страница 33: ...door unit models Unit type indoor unit RCD Position separating hyphen fixed Capacity HP 0 8 6 0 FS SYSTEM FREE R R32 R410A refrigerant XXX XX FS R 2 SAFETY 2 1 SYMBOLS USED During normal air conditioning system design work or unit installation greater attention must be paid in certain situations requiring particular care in order to avoid injuries and damage to the unit the installation or the bui...

Страница 34: ...egulations are not available International Organization for Standardization ISO5149 or European Standard EN378 or Japan Standard KHKS0010 Electrical wiring must comply with national and local regulations Contact your local authority in regards to standards rules regulations etc 3 IMPORTANT NOTICE This air conditioner has been designed for standard air conditioning for human beings For use in other...

Страница 35: ...The cooling efficiency will be decreased which may cause dew condensation and dew drop Use a circulator if warm air stays around the ceiling The comfort will be increased Contact your distributor for details Change the air flow direction downward if the ceiling surface gets dirty It is recommended to change the air flow direction by approx 35º downward from the levelness Turn OFF the main power su...

Страница 36: ...s displayed on the LCD Indoor Unit Marked of Warning NOTE Press the switches lightly to control the remote control switch Do not press them with sharp objects such as a pen otherwise it may cause breakage of operating part The optional wireless remote control switch and receiver kit shall be controlled according to each installation manual attached to them MAIN PARTS PMML0549 rev 1 02 2021 A107612...

Страница 37: ...f Cleaning of Expansion Valve This function is utilized to clean the expansion valve automatically when the operation stops during cooling operation The sound of the refrigerant flowing may be heard from the indoor unit during self cleaning operation However it is not abnormal Hot Start During Heating Operation This function is utilized to prevent cold discharged air at start up of heating operati...

Страница 38: ... of slide Direction of slide 3 Clean the air filter Vacuum dust with a cleaner or wash the air filter with water or neutral detergent Dry the air filter in the shade NOTE Do not use hot water more than 50ºC The air filter may be deformed by heat Do not dry the air filter by an open fire a dryer or a heater The air filter may be deformed 4 Attach the air filter After the air filter is dried attach ...

Страница 39: ...the air panel Open the air inlet flat grille at an approximately 40 angle from the air panel surface Tilting the air inlet flat grille lift it up to remove it NOTE Although the air inlet flat grille can be opened up to 90 it cannot be removed from the air panel at the angle Tilt it at a 40 angle when removing it 40o Air inlet flat grille Air Panel Ceiling Tilting the air inlet flat grille lift it ...

Страница 40: ... smoke or room stuck to the inside of the indoor unit Ventilate the unit well in the fan mode and clean the air filter the air outlet and the air inlet flat grille Sound from Indoor Unit Grate is heard when starting or stopping the operation This is the sound made when the components are rubbing against each other due to the extension and contraction of the resin parts caused by the temperature ch...

Страница 41: ...r is not short circuited to the air inlet Insufficient Cooling or Heating Check that the operation mode is appropriate If the fan mode is selected switch the operation mode to cooling heating Check that the set temperature is appropriate If not change the set temperature by pressing or by the remote control switch Check that the air flow direction is appropriate If not change the air flow directio...

Страница 42: ...e of motion sensor Make setting of motion sensor invalid and contact your distributor In that case after the LCD of wired remote controller display message has disappeared and until service is finished the operation of this unit is available The RUN indicator red is flashing The indoor unit number the alarm code the unit model code and the connected number of indoor units are displayed on LCD In c...

Страница 43: ...and indoor unit 32 Incorrect setting of other indoor unit number 35 Incorrect setting of indoor unit number 36 Incorrect of indoor unit combination 38 Abnormality of picking up circuit for protection in outdoor unit 39 Compressor Abnormality running current at constant speed compressor 41 Pressure Overload cooling 42 Overload heating 43 Protection device Activation of pressure ratio decrease prote...

Страница 44: for Drain 5 Strainer 15 Air Panel P AP90DNA sold separately 6 Micro Computer Control Expansion Valve 16 Air Inlet Flat Grille 7 Electrical Control Box 17 Air Filter 8 Refrigerant Gas Pipe Connection with a Flare Nut 18 Air Outlet 9 Refrigerant Liquid Pipe Connection with b Flare Nut 19 Air Inlet 10 Drain Pipe Connection VP25 20 Cover for Corner Pocket Model a b RCD 0 8FSR 12 7 6 35 RCD 1 0FSR 1...

Страница 45: ...ainer 15 Air Panel P AP160DNA sold separately 6 Micro Computer Control Expansion Valve 16 Air Inlet Flat Grille 7 Electrical Control Box 17 Air Filter 8 Refrigerant Gas Pipe Connection with 15 88 Flare Nut 18 Air Outlet 9 Refrigerant Liquid Pipe Connection with 9 52 Flare Nut 19 Air Inlet 10 Drain Pipe Connection VP25 20 Cover for Corner Pocket NOTE Regarding the refrigerant cycle drawings and dia...

Страница 46: and be careful not to damage the insulation material on units surface 12 INDOOR UNIT INSTALLATION DANGER Do not perform installation work refrigerant piping work drain pumping drain piping and electrical wiring connecting work without referring to the installation manual If the instructions are not followed it may result in a water leakage an electric shock a fire and an injury To avoid a fire ...

Страница 47: ...king scale cut and take out it from the carton board 1 For adjusting space of false ceiling opening and position of the unit Cross recessed head screws M6 4 For fitting paper pattern Washer with insulation material M10 4 For unit installation Washer M10 4 Drain hose 1 For drain hose connection Hose clamp 1 Pipe insulation 1 For refrigerant piping connection Pipe insulation 1 Cord clamp 2 For fixin...

Страница 48: ...tch in it Prepare a steel conduit tube and wire the remote control cable in it Then connect the ground wire with the box and the tube d Install a noise filter when the power supply emits harmful noises e To avoid any corrosive action to the heat exchangers do not install the indoor unit in an acid or alkaline environment 12 2 1 Service space Install the indoor unit with sufficient space around it ...

Страница 49: which may hamper the suction air and discharged air Do not install the unit near a door or a window where the indoor unit may contact humid outside air Otherwise dew condensation may occur In case temperature and humidity inside the ceiling exceeds 30ºC RH Relative Humidity 80 apply additional insulation materials to the external surface of the indoor unit to avoid dew condensation If installin...

Страница 50: ...ficiently strong squared timber shown below cm Interval between Beams Squared Timber 90 6 square 180 9 square Steel 150 to 160mm Concrete Insert 100 to 150 kg Anchor bolt W3 8 or M10 12 3 3 Mounting indoor unit 1 Pattern Board for Installation and Scale for Dimension of Opening a For installation work the pattern board is required The pattern board for installation and the checking scale are print...

Страница 51: if the false ceiling has already been installed determine the pipe direction and complete the rest of the piping and wiring work before hooking the indoor unit 5 Adjusting Indoor Unit Position Adjust the position of the indoor unit with the checking scale as required a For False Ceiling with Opening When installing the indoor unit to the false ceiling with an opening check the dimension of open...

Страница 52: ... to the clear vinyl tube as shown in the figure 7 The upper surface of the unit is protected by corrugated cardboard to prevent the unit from being damaged by spatter etc When mounting the air panel optional check to ensure that welding around the unit has been finished before removing the corrugated cardboard 12 3 4 Installation of Air Panel 1 Check the distance between the indoor unit and the fa...

Страница 53: ...itrogen or dry air to remove any dust or foreign materials before connecting pipes NOTE Refer to the technical documentation of the outdoor unit for detail on allowable pipe length Notice for Refrigerant Pipe Ends Correct Correct Correct Hole In case of getting the pipe through a hole in the wall Do not place the pipe directly on the ground Attach a cap or put a plastic bag over the pipe end Attac...

Страница 54: ...ty inside the ceiling exceed 27ºC RH80 dew condensation occurs on the surface of the accessory insulation Wrap additional insulation approx 5 10mm thickness around the accessory insulation of the refrigerant pipe as a preventive measure 6 For buried pipe with joints such as an elbow or a socket provide service access doors to facilitate the check for connection 7 The pipes must be reinforced by an...

Страница 55: of the hose clamp as shown in the following figure 20 5mm Hose band accessory Tightening torque 3 0 3 5N m Vinyl tape white Drain pipe connection Drain hose accessory Tightening torque 3 0 3 5N m Min 28mm For checking drainage transparent Use vinyl chloride type adhesive Elbow or Vinyl chloride VP25 Field supplied NOTE If connecting the factory supplied drain hose to the drain pipe connection w...

Страница 56: ...Check After performing drain piping work and the electrical wiring and before installing the air panel check to ensure that water flows smoothly according to the following procedure a Drainage Operation by Float Switch The following is regular procedure to check the float switch operation i Turn ON the power supply ii Pour 1500cc to 2000cc of water gradually into the drain pan iii Check to ensure ...

Страница 57: ...of electrical failure Turn OFF the main power switch of the indoor unit and the outdoor unit before an electrical wiring work or a periodical check is performed If not it will cause an electric shock or a fire Check to ensure that the indoor fan and the outdoor fan have stopped before electrical wiring work or a periodical check is performed Protect the wires drain pipe electrical parts etc from r...

Страница 58: ...ore than 12 hours to warm the compressor oil by the crankcase heater Do not touch any of the parts by hand at the discharge gas side since the compressor chamber and the pipes at the discharge side are heated higher than 90ºC Model Power source Maximum current Power source cable size Transmitting cable size EN 60335 1 1 EN 60335 1 1 RCD 0 8 6 0 FSR 1 230V 50Hz 5A 0 75mm2 0 75mm2 NOTE Follow local ...

Страница 59: through the connecting hole in the cabinet 3 Connect the power supply and the earth wires to the terminals in the electrical box 4 Connect the wires between the indoor unit and the outdoor unit to the terminals in the electrical box 5 Tie the wires together with the cord clamp inside the electrical box 6 Perform wiring work for the indoor unit according to the electrical wiring diagram and the...

Страница 60: ...ntrol switch in case of connecting between refrigerant cycles Outdoor unit Remote control switch Outdoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unit Simultaneous Thermo ON OFF individually Individual Remote control switch Individual remote control switch NOTE The dip switches setting in the outdoor unit should be performed according to Installation and Operation Manual of the outdoor unit...

Страница 61: ...s cable does not need any polarity Do not apply an excessively high voltage to this cable Rated voltage 5V Connect both ends of shield tube to earth Power source cable Pay attention to the phase of power source when wiring Control cable Shielded twist pair cable 0 75mm2 This cable does not need any polarity Do not apply an excessively high voltage to this cable Rated voltage 5V Connect both ends o...

Страница 62: ...e mm2 Combination n A mA Rated current A Rated current A Power source cable Transition wiring between OU and IU Earth wiring 7 Remote control switch cable 8 Power supply Control Circuit 5 1 2 2 3 6 20m 4 Single type 2 40 30 5 5 0 75 1 0 0 75 0 75 0 75 Twin Triple Quad ELB Earth Leakage Breaker CB Circuit Breaker IU Indoor unit OU Outdoor unit NOTE For the total wiring length more than 20m refer to...

Страница 63: ...een indoor units The total cable length should be less than 500m If the total length of the cable is less than 30m other cables can be used the cable size is 0 3mm2 Select the wiring size ELB Earth Leakage Breaker and isolating switch CB according to each regulation of region and Installation and Operation Manual and the dedicated electrical circuit must be used On the outside indoor unit the powe...

Страница 64: ...9 8 7 654 3 2 1 4 Capacity code setting DSW3 No setting is required due to setting before shipment This switch is used for setting the capacity code which corresponds to the Horse Power of the indoor unit Horsepower 0 8 1 0 1 5 Setting position 1 2 3 4 5 6 ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 ON Horsepower 2 0 2 5 3 0 Setting position 1 2 3 4 5 6 ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 ON Horsepower 4 0 5 0 6 0 Se...

Страница 65: not leave the air panel on the floor for long time It may cause air leakage due to scratch the seal packing In addition if the air panel is placed with the surface downward the louver mechanism may be damaged due to touch the louver to the floor etc 4 Do not move the louver by hand If moved the louver mechanism will be damaged 16 3 BEFORE INSTALLATION Check to ensure that the following accessor...

Страница 66: ...rille approximately 90º from the air panel surface and remove the loop clutch of the chain from the air panel 4 Then remove the air inlet flat grille from the other side of the hinge 5 6 ճ ղ ձ 5 6 4 Air inlet flat grille Air panel Hinge Remove the loop clutch of the chain from the air panel NOTE Although the air inlet flat grille can be opened until the angle of 90 from the air panel surface it ca...

Страница 67: ...ews If the long screws are tightened insufficiently it may cause the following failures Smudge Dewing Air leakage 11 When there is still the gap even after tightening firmly the long screws sufficiently readjust the height of the indoor unit No gap shall exist 12 The indoor unit height is adjustable from the corner hole if the levelness of the indoor unit the drain piping etc are not affected by t...

Страница 68: ...ver Air panel side Electrical box Indoor unit Connector CN17 Indoor unit PCB 16 6 TEST RUN 1 After completing the installation of the air panel the test run should be performed according to Installation Maintenance Manual of the indoor unit 2 Perform the checking work for the louver during the test run Do not move the louver by hand If moved the auto swing mechanism will be damaged a Press run sto...

Страница 69: ...t operate the system until the electrical leakage is found and repaired Do not touch any of the parts at the discharge gas side by hand while the system is running since the compressor chamber and the pipes at the discharge side are heated higher than 90ºC NOTE Check to ensure that the stop valves of the outdoor unit are fully opened and then start the system Check to ensure that the switch on the...

Страница 70: ... electrical wiring system If the multiple indoor units are operated simultaneously the system can not be inspected the system accordance 3 Perform the test run according to the Installation and Operation Manual of remote control 18 MAIN SAFETY AND CONTROL DEVICES Model RCD 0 8 6 0 FSR For Evaporator Fan Motor Automatic Reset Non Adjustable Internal Thermostat Cut Out o C 100 4 For Control Circuit ...
