Plug the red wire from the end with the servo wire
into your Power Distribution Board. You can use
any of the plugs on your Power Distribution Board
EXCEPT the ones on the back (opposite of the
forward arrow on your Control Board).
Make sure the red wire goes into a red-colored
plug on your Power Distribution Board, and plug
the black wire into a black-colored plug. If you re-
verse this, you will burn up your ESC, so be careful
and double-check your work.
NOTE: Any spare plugs you don’t use can be used
at a later time if you ever want to customize your
Hiro with lights, FPV cameras, camera gimbals, or
other components.
Do this for all four ESCs. It doesn’t matter which
set of black and red plugs you use, but you’ll want
to space them out a bit. We recommend plugging
one ESC into the right side of the Power Distribu-
tion Board, one into the left side, and two into the
front. Remember: don’t plug anything into the
back plugs.
Now grab your bottom shell and lay out your four ESCs in the arms and the Power Distribution
Board/Control Board into the center to test your layout.
Position the Distribution Board/Control Board in the center part of the frame, with the black,
squishy side down and the forward arrow up. The forward arrow and the battery cable should
be pointing between Arm 1 and Arm 2. Slide the board to the back of the frame so the arrow
mark sits right on top of the middle of your