LAN Interface
• Compatible with IEEE802.3 Ethernet 10BASE-T DHCP, DNS
• Screen display, remote control via HTTP server
• Acquiring data from internal memory or PC card via FTP server
• Email notification delivered at time of alarm
RS-232C Interface
• Conforms with ETA RS-232C, mini DIN round 9-pin connector
• Communication function via PPP connection (functions similarly to
LAN connection)
RS-232C is a serial interface standard established by the EIA (Electronic
Industries Association) which specifies the interface between DTE (data ter-
minal equipment) and DCE (data communications equipment). The instru-
ments can send and receive remote control signals and data to a PC
(personal computer) using a subset of this standard.
Local area networks (LANs) are systems that provide communications
between PCs in a limited areas at particular locations, such as offices, facto-
ries and schools.
The Ethernet 10BASE-T interface provided in the instruments is a standard
LAN connection interface that uses TCP/IP communications protocols. The
10BASE-T standard is defined by IEE 802.3i as having a transfer speed of 10
Mbps. Connections are made by twisted-pair cable, and are normally
arranged in a star configuration around a hub. The maximum cable length
between a terminal and the hub is 100 meters. The TCP/IP protocols are
commonly used for LANs, as they are the basis for the Internet as well. The
protocols are defined by RFC documents published on the Internet.
Connect a modem to the RS-232C interface for performing communication
based on PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) over public telephone networks via
the modem in your PC.