Property damage
Excessive supply voltage
The PC card may only be operated with the prescribed supply voltage,
which corresponds to the tolerances specified in this manual. The limits of
the permitted range must not be exceeded.
Device damage, malfunctions
If the supply voltage is above the specified upper limit, this can lead to
serious damage to the PC card!
If the supply voltage is below the specified lower limit, malfunctions of
the PC card may occur.
Excessive signaling voltage
All I/O signal pins on the PC card tolerate only the specified signal voltage,
as specified in this manual.
Device destruction
Operating your PC card at a signal voltage that exceeds the specified
signal voltage can cause serious damage to the PC card!
Electrostatically sensitive devices
This equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which cause internal
damage and affect normal operation. Therefore adhere to the necessary
safety precautions for components that are vulnerable with electrostatic
discharge if you install or replace your device. Follow the guidelines listed
hereafter when you handle this equipment:
Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static.
Wear an approved grounding wriststrap.
Do not touch connectors or pins on the PC card.
Do not touch circuit components inside the equipment.
If available, use a static-safe workstation.
When not in use, store the equipment in appropriate static-safe
CIFX M223090AE Real-Time Ethernet | Hardware description and installation
DOC190704UM02EN | Revision 2 | English | 2020-06 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2020