Safety Instructions
Contents under pressure. Read this
before operating.
• Release pressure from the bottle before
refilling or replacing parts. This is done by
slowly pulling up the safety valve and holding
until all air has been released. Then unscrew
the container cap.
Some remaining air
may be expelled.
• Inspect the condition of all fittings before
each use. Do not attempt to use your sprayer
with worn or damaged parts. These parts
should be replaced.
• Safety valve operation: Over pumping will
cause the safety valve to open and release
excess pressure. It will close when safe
operating pressure is reached.
• Safety valve test: Fill the bottle completely
with clean warm water and pressurise
by pumping. When the sprayer is fully
pressurised the valve should lift, allowing
the red indicator to become visible and air
to escape. If this does not happen, replace
the safety valve. Fully dry the sprayer after
this test.
• Your sprayer is made from many different
types of plastic materials, and although the
liquid you may wish to use is packed in a
plastic container, it is not guaranteed that it
will not damage your sprayer. Your sprayer
is designed for use with a broad range
of liquids, however you must check their
compatibility before use.
• Follow all chemical suppliers on-pack
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