High Tech Pet Products, Inc.
Crossing a Driveway or Walk
When crossing a driveway or sidewalk, you may be able to find an expansion
joint into which you can place the wire. Remove any calking material in the
joint, place the wire and re-caulk. If an expansion joint is not available, you
can make a ½ inch deep narrow slit across the drive or walk using a circular
power saw and masonry blade. Place the wire in the slit and seal with
outdoor silicone caulk of matching color. Use asphalt sealant for asphalt
driveways. Another option is High Tech Pet’s new optional Driveway Traverse
Strip, which easily crosses driveways and walks with your electronic fence
wire. This durable rubber slit attractively covers and protects the pet fence
wire. You can drive over it, walk over it, even mow over it with no damage
to the underlying boundary wire. Made of super durable elastomer, that will
last years and years, it takes only minutes to install. To order, go to
and search “driveway traverse strip”.
Crossing Gravel
When crossing gravel, run the wire through a hose or PVC pipe and then
bury at least three inches deep.
Crossing Water
To cross a stream or body of water, run the wire through a hose or PVC pipe.
Anchor each end using large rocks or other stationary objects.
STEP 9: Place the Boundary Flags
Boundary flags are provided so that your pet can easily see the boundary
perimeter. This is especially important during training. Flags should be
placed along the entire perimeter spaced no more than ten feet apart. Using
a fully matching color. Use asphalt sealant for asphalt driveways.
STEP 10: Fit the Receiver Collar to Your Dog
A. For the receiver collar to properly apply the corrective shock
stimulus, it is very important that the electrodes make good contact
with the animal’s skin. Fur between the electrodes and skin can
greatly reduce the amount of stimulus transmitted to your dog. For
this reason, we recommend that you shave the fur under your dog’s
neck where the electrodes contact the skin.
B. Place the collar around your dog’s neck with the receiver housing at
the bottom.
C. Fit the strap as snugly as possible without restricting breathing.
D. Make sure both electrodes are in good contact with your dog’s skin.
Use of a little skin lotion on your dog’s neck will improve contact.
Once you have determined the proper fit, mark the strap and cut off
the excess length.