2.8. Bin Entry Safety
The information in this section applies to entry through any access point.
Always try to work and solve problems without entering a bin.
If you must enter the bin, follow the safety information below to safely enter through
the roof or door:
Stop the unloading process if the bin is being unloaded and lockout/tagout power before
entering the bin, refer to Lockout/Tagout Safety.
• Always wear a dust-filtering respirator when entering the bin. Grain dust and spores when
inhaled into the lungs can cause severe reactions leading to hospitalization in some cases.
Persistent exposure may cause “farmer’s lung,” which can eventually be fatal.
• Before working inside the bin, ventilate the area by opening the vent or by other equivalent
means to force air into the bin to prevent oxygen-deficient atmosphere. Inadequate oxygen
is very harmful to your health and can cause death. Exposure to carbon dioxide can cause
drowsiness, headache and even death due to suffocation. Test the atmosphere. If the car
bon dioxide hazard cannot be reduced or eliminated or you cannot test the atmosphere, use
correctly fitted and appropriate respirator.
• Never walk on grain to make it flow.
If you ignore the safety precautions above and enter the bin, you could die from being submerged.
2.8.1 Roof Entry
The information in this section applies to entry through the bin roof only.
• Never enter a bin from the roof if you don’t know its unloading history. Bridges of stored
material can form above a void space below, causing potential for entrapment.
• Have body harness tethered to a lifeline controlled by two others outside the bin. One
worker should be able to see inside worker through the inspection hatch. If there is an ac-
cident, one worker can focus on the victim while the other goes/calls for help.
• In the event that you are trapped in the bin as it is unloading, move as quickly as possible
toward the bin wall; keep yourself elevated above the material by walking on the flowing
mass while staying as close as possible to the bin wall.
2.9. Bin Emergency Entry
In an emergency situation:
• Follow protocols set by your local occupational safety and health agency.
• If you need to rescue somebody inside the bin, call emergency responders and only attempt to rescue using
non-entry rescue procedure/equipment. Do not enter the bin unless you are trained for rescue, equipped and
relieved by another attendant.