To Install Power Sweep System in Drying, Aeration or Full Floor Systems:
A. Locate the area where the tube is to exit the bin wall. Using the rodent cover as a tem-
plate cut the hole just large enough to allow for the tube and flange to pass through with mini
mal clearance. Be sure to allow for the handles and handle cover as well.
B. Align the splined gearbox output shaft with the center of the bin.
C. Check control rod sleeves to be certain that they were not bent in shipping or handling.
This could cause difficulty in opening the wells. Straighten if necessary with a pry bar.
D. Level the tube using the leveling brackets provided. Make sure that there is a 1” decline
in the tube towards the discharge end or drill a 1/8” diameter hole in the center intake hopper
bottom to allow for drainage.
E. Install the Drying / Aeration floor to the manufacturer’s specifications. Seal the area in the
floor that was cut to fit around the hoppers with Grain Saver™ Hopper Flanges. Use self-drill
ing screws to attach this to the hopper
F. Install the Grain Saver™ Bin Wall Plate over the tube and opening in the bin wall and at-
tach with bolts or screws. The top half overlaps the bottom half by 1/2” to allow for proper
watershed. Caulk any cracks or openings and fill corrugations with a good quality silicone or
butyl based sealant.
G. Install the sweep assembly with the one bolt “keeper” over the splined shaft.
H. Adjust the sweep backboard to the desired length by loosening the 4 bolts and rotating the
wheel so the
sweep telescopes in or out to the desired length. Tighten the bolts. Sweep
should also be adjusted on both the center and wheel end to ensure proper movement and
operation. Make sure the sweep is not touching the bin floor at any point around the bin.
I. Install Powerhead drive by inserting powerhead drive screw into unload screw and fasten
them with the 2 provided bolts and tighten them. Then tighten the flange clamps on pow
erhead drive to flange on unload tube or u-trough. Adjust the unload screw on the spline of
the center gearbox by loosening the insert bearing on the powerhead and sliding the unload
screw and connected powerhead screw in or out so it is connected securely on the spline of
the center gearbox. When properly set, There should be approximitely 7/8” to 1” of spline
showing from the gearbox plate to the unload screw spine.
J. Install sweep safety stop on the inside of the bin wall right behind where the sweep will be
parked when filling the bin, the sweep should be parked right over the sumps.
If any warning or safety decals become lost or damaged in any manner, please contact
us for free replacements. and the perforated floor. Caulk any cracks or openings with a good
quality silicone or butyl based sealant.