Harrington Generators International
HRD Diesel Generator
Transportation / Storage
Transportation and Storage
Do not lay the generator on its side when moving, storing, or operat-
ing it. Oil may leak and damage the engine or your property
If the generator has been used, allow it cool for at least 15 minutes before loading the generator on the transport
vehicle. A hot engine and exhaust system can burn you and can ignite some material. To prevent fuel spillage
when transporting, the generator should be secured upright in its normal operating position, with the engine
Control Module switched OFF.
Take care not to drop or strike the generator when transporting. Do not place heavy objects on the generator.
Turn the Engine Control Module “OFF”
Short Term typically up to 6 months:
Do not run the generator out of fuel. If the engine runs out of fuel the fuel system will
become air locked and will have to be bled before the engine will restart. Leave a
small quantity of fuel in the fuel tank. Drain any water from the water separator /
Run the engine for a few minutes and drain the warm oil and
ll with new oil as for a
normal service. Turn battery isolator off. Disconnect battery and grease terminals with
petroleum jelly.
Long Term over 6 months:
For long term storage each engine manufacturer will have their own recommendations
1. Replace engine oil with a special inhibiting oil.
2. Flush through fuel system and leave full with a special inhibiting compound.
3. Spray connectors in the loom and plug in sensors with Vaporol Inhibitor or similar.
Please contact HGI for further details.
No special requirements other than store in a dry well ventilated place.
If the generator has been stored for a considerable period of time e.g. several years
the alternator insulation winding resistance should be checked as they can absorb
moisture. The insulation resistance must be at least 2 M
(2 mega ohms). If it is
less than this then the alternator windings can be dried out by placing the alternator
in an oven at 60-70°C for a few hours with plenty of air movement. Generally if this
procedure is required consider replacing the alternator.
Please contact HGI for details.
Electrical :
No special requirements other than store in a dry well ventilated place.
Store in dry, well ventilated and dust free place.
Whilst in storage it is recommended that the battery is trickle charged via the 3-pin
socket (buccaneer) on the control panel.
If the generator is to be stored long term it would be bene
cial to start and run the
generator under electrical load for half an hour every three months and then store as
above ( but no need to change the oil).