Hettich AG, Seestrasse 204a, 8806 Baech, Switzerland
Operator_Manual_Rotolavit II_und_Rotolavit II-S_en_rev2.5
Seite 46
12.7 Glas breakage
In a case of glass breakage, the pieces of glass and leaked centrifugal liquid must be carefully removed from
the centrifugal area and tube holders.
The leakage could involve infectious materials, the area must be disinfected immediately.
The drain hole from the bowl should be blocked, for example, with a plug, pencil rubber or with a
crimped over tissue, so that no pieces of glass can fall into the drain-hole and block the drain outlet
connector on the rear side of the device, fig. 7.1, pos. 9, before starting to remove all broken pieces of
Before continuing to work:
The bowl must be checked for scratches, if present a technician must replace it => call your local
The tube holder, where a tube was broken must be replaced, the rotor and its tube holders must be
checked for scratches and the rotor must be checked for correct function, if so or you are unable to
resolve that, then the rotor must be replaced.
Take care never to use tubes which
have fallen to the floor
have cracks in the glass
12.8 Repairs
Repairs and periodic maintenances of the device (internally where it is necessary to open the case)
must be done ONLY by the manufacturer’s authorised employees. ONLY original parts, authorised by
the manufacturer, must be used for repair
12.9 Rotor crash
WARINING In a case of a rotor crash you must immediately contact the manufacturer or your local service
support to ask for instructions before you touch the device or some piece of it.
If you cannot reach somebody, then take pictures from different views and you are allowed to
inject the device and the surrounding area with a disinfectant, but not anything else!