19/07/2017 Rev 5 (07/04/2021)
User’s Manual ME_3CPF01
HERDEGEN SAS 5/7, Rue Freyssinet 77500 Chelles-FRANCE
Ce produit est adapté à la location. Avant d’être réintroduit, il doit
impérativement faire l’objet d’un entretien complet, et d’un nettoyage
et d’une désinfection en profondeur. Les actions suivantes doivent être
effectuées lors de l’entretien :
1- Evaluation visuelle : assurez-vous que le produit ne présente
aucun défaut ou dommage.
2- Evaluation des fonctions : assurez-vous que le fonctionnement
du produit n’a pas été altéré et réparez-le le cas échéant.
3- Nettoyage et désinfection: ce produit peut être nettoyé et
désinfecté avec des produits ménagers conventionnels ne contenant pas
de chlore tels que Surfanios (Laboratoires Anios).
N’utilisez JAMAIS de produits corrosifs ou de nettoyeur haute pression qui
pourraient endommager le produit.
Utilisez uniquement des outils adaptés lors du montage, démontage,
nettoyage et de la désinfection.
Le mode d‘emploi est partie intégrante de ce produit et doit être fourni à
chaque nouvel utilisateur.
4. Entretien
Le produit doit être nettoyé régulièrement avec un chiffon propre et sec.
Attention car l’urine est très corrossive et attaque très rapidement les
tubes en acier. Il importe donc de nettoyer et sécher quotidiennement la
5. Matériaux
Le produit se compose d’un châssis en acier recouvert de peinture epoxy,
d’une assise avec bouchon, et d’un seau avec couvercle, éventuellement
sur certains modèles les accoudoirs sont rabattables vers l’arrière. Les
garnitures sont en bois recouvert de mousse et de PVC.
6. Traitement des déchets
Veuillez mettre au rebut ce produit en conformité avec la réglementation
en vigueur.
7. Caractéristiques techniques
Vous reportez au tableau ci-dessus page 1.
Ce produit est garanti 2 ans, à partir de la date d’achat, contre tout vice
de fabrication. Ce produit est biocompatible. Durée d‘utilisation: 2 ans.
Please read these safety instructions carefully before use, and
keep them for future question.
1.Safety indications
♥ ALWAYS consult with your physician or supplier to determine proper
adjustment and use of the device.
♥ Don’t store outside and don’t let under the sun (Beware : don’t let the
product in a car in case of high outside temperature !!).
♥ Don’t use in extreme temperature (above 38°C or 100°F or below
0°C or 32°F).
♥ Before seating make sure that you have correctly placed the
seatplate on the chair.
♥ Check carefully all parts of this item (screws, tubes, tips, grips)..
♥ Check regularly if all screws are tightened.
♥ Use only as a commode chair and in proper way : don’t stand up
on the chair.
♥ ALWAYS observe the weight limit on the labelling of your product.
♥ No modification must be made on this device. Use only original
parts to replace the broken or defect one and let this be done by the
technical staff.
♥ After unfolding or assembling the chair, make sure that it is securely
locked in OPEN position and level to the ground before using. Some
chairs are already mounted.
♥ DO NOT hang anything on the Chair.
♥ ALWAYS test to see that the chair and attachments are properly and
securely locked in place before using.
♥ In case you didn’t use your chair for a long time, let it checked by the
technical staff, before using.
♥ Do not store outdoor, the chair must be used at home.
♥ Do not install or remove the pan while the patient is seatting on the
chair! High risk of sex injuries.
♥ Be carrefull when removing the armrests to avoid trapping your
♥ Check the chair before using, in case of doubt ask your physician
or provider.
♥ Use only the chair on a flat and solid ground.
♥ It is forbidden to seat on the armrests.
♥ Do not lean out of the chair to avoid losing balance.
♥ Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the device
shall be reported to the manufacturer and the competent authority of the
Member State in which the user and/or the patient is established.
2. Intended use, Indication and Contraindication
Commode chairs can be used at home or in nursing homes to assist a person
who has difficulty getting to the bathroom by bringing the toilet into the bedroom.
Standard, foldable or on castors, they shall be use only indoor.
Used in the home when the patient is too debilitated to reach the bathroom.
Don‘t use the commode chair in case of:
- Cognitive disorder - Loss of balance - Siting impairment
3. Installation
Only specialists can adjust the product and teach you how to use it. Ask the
technical staff how to use this product and make sure that you understood clearly
their explanation. In case of doubt, don’t hesitate to ask again.
Mounting the bucket
There are 2 different ways to install/remove the bucket :
1- from the left or right side under the seat, insert the pan into the metalic
support (single possibility for XXL models).
2- lift up the seatplate and remove the bucket from the top, see photo [B].
Close the bucket with the lid before transporting it.
Mounting the seatplate
The seatplate can be easily removed for cleaning or for replacement as it
is only connected to the frame with 2 clips see photo [A].
To remove the seatplate, take out the clips from the frame by lifting them up, see
photo [B].
To mount the seatplate, clip the two clips on the back pipe of the metal frame, see
photo [C].
By adding the cover on the hole, the commode chair can be used as a
regular chair.
This product can be rented to different patients. A thorough maintenance,
cleaning and disinfection must be performed before the product is given to a new
patient in accordance with the following steps:
1- Visual inspection: ensure that the product has not been damaged and
check for any defect.
2- Functional inspection: ensure that the product functions properly and
repair it if needed.
3- Cleaning and disinfection: this product can be cleaned and disinfected with
mild, chlorine-free detergents such as Survanios (Anios laboratories).
Do NOT use any abrasive cleaners or high-pressure cleaners that could damage
the product.
Use only appropriate tools to perform the maintenance, cleaning and disinfection.
The user’s manual is an integral part of the product and must be handed over to
every new user.
4. Cleaning
The chair has to be cleaned regularly and after each use with a mild cleaning agent
and a soft cloth.
5. Materials
The product is made up of steel tubing covered with epoxy painting.Upolsteries
are in PVC. The chair is delivered with a pan. Some models are equipped with
swinging armrests.
6. Disposal
Dispose of this product in accordance with your regional waste disposal regulations.
7. Technical specifications
See tabel page 1
This product has a 2 years warranty, form the date of purchase, against any
manufacturing defect. This product is biocompatible.Duration of use: 2 years.
Bitte lesen Sie aufmerksam die Bedienungsanleitung vor Benutzung.
Sichern Sie sich, dass Sie diese Anweisungen
befolgen und behalten Sie die in einer sicheren Stelle. Sollte dieses Produkt
von anderen Leuten benutzt werden, müssen sie sich völlig über diese
Sicherheitsanweisungen informieren.
1. Sicherheitsanweisungen
Lassen Sie sich von Ihrem Fachhändler oder Krankenpersonal in die
Benutzung und Pflege einweisen.
Nicht draußen lagern und nicht in der Sonne liegen lassen (Vorsicht : nicht
im Auto lassen bei hohen Temperaturen!)
Nicht bei extremen Temperaturen benutzen (> 38°C/ 100°F oder < 0°C /