XPM 200HR™
Thermal Printer Family
Part No. D 690 074
Mod. No. 4 300113 LEV
page 16 of 32
Figure 9 shows the input circuit for these sensor connectors. The characters in
parenthesis show the input as it is labeled in the XPM 200HR™ Diagnostic Tool.
There is also an auxiliary input available on this connector. The wiring is the same as
the PPE inputs. The status of this input is reported by the printer when queried.
Please note that the Auxiliary input may not be available if the printer is equipped with
a presenter. The pinout of the Paper Pre-End Sensors connector is as follows.
PPE Sensors Connector
Pin 6 –
5 VDC (to be used as a voltage source for pull-ups, etc. for PWE, AUX
Pin 7 –
Common (Ground)
Pin 8 –
PPE Sensor Signal 1 (A1)
Pin 9 –
PPE Sensor Power Output 1 (A1)
Pin 10 – PPE Sensor Power Output 2 (A2)
Pin 11 – PPE Sensor Signal 2 (A2)
Pin 12 – Auxiliary (AUX) Input
Pin 19 – PWE Sensor Signal 1 (B1)
Pin 20 – PWE Sensor Signal 2 (B2)
Figure 9
Please note that the XPM 200HR™ does nothing more with the PPE, PWE and AUX
signals than report their status through the interface. For this reason, these inputs
are not limited to being used for PPE or PWE. Any one of them may be used to
detect the status of a door, for example, or any other status that can be sensed via a
microswitch or (in the case of the PPE inputs) an appropriate optical sensor.