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The document is furnished for information use only, is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a
commitment by Helmer Scientific. Helmer Scientific assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may
appear in the informational content contained in this material. For the purpose of clarity, Helmer Scientific considers only the most
recent revision of this document to be valid.
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Use of any portion(s) of this document to copy, translate, disassemble or decompile, or create or attempt to create by reverse
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Copyright © 2018 Helmer, Inc. Helmer
, i.Series
, i.C³
, Horizon Series™, and Rel.i™ are registered trademarks or trademarks
of Helmer, Inc. in the United States of America. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective
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This manual is intended as a guide to provide the operator with necessary instructions on the proper use and maintenance of
certain Helmer Scientific products.
Any failure to follow the instructions as described could result in impaired product function, injury to the operator or others, or void
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The screenshots and component images appearing in this guide are provided for illustrative purposes only, and may vary slightly
from the actual software screens and/or product components.
Helmer Scientific
14400 Bergen Boulevard
Noblesville, IN 46060 USA
Part No. 360372/ Rev B
Document History
Revision Description
03 NOV 2016
Initial release (all units with serial numbers 2035000 and greater).
12 JAN 2018
B supersedes
Updated hysteresis values in Table 3. Parameter Values
Updated Mute Active Alarms text to provide more detail
Updated Table 2. Application Icons
Updated Horizon Access Control content for clarity.
Updated Emergo Address
* Date submitted for Change Order review. Actual release date may vary.