Mechanical Construction
Swivel nut before tightening
Swivel nut after tightening
Tube of the P8AP
Fig. 5.1
Principle of a screwed connection with cutting ring
The transducer can be installed in any position, as re-
quired. If the transducer is used to measure dynamic
pressure characteristics in liquids, install it with the pres-
sure connection pointing upward, so that it not possible
for an air cushion to build up in the measurement tube
that could, for example, heat up unacceptably as a result
of dynamic loads.
Push the swivel nut with seal onto the tube.
Insert the tube into the connection piece of the
screwed connection.
Tighten the swivel nut.
Pressure peak damping option
The pressure transducer may be damaged by applica-
tions with a dynamic overload. This is a particular prob-
lem in applications that are next to fast-closing valves or
close to hydraulic cylinders, where loading is spasmodic.