Safety Instructions
Safety Instructions
Designated use
The transducer is to be used exclusively for weighing
tasks and directly related control tasks within the load
limits detailed in the specifications for the respective
maximum capacities. Use for any purpose other than the
above is deemed to be non-designated use.
Any person instructed to carry out installation, commis-
sioning or operation of the device must have read and
understood the Operating Manual and in particular the
technical safety instructions.
In the interests of safety, the transducer should only be
operated by qualified personnel and as described in the
Operating Manual. It is also essential to comply with the
legal and safety requirements for the application con-
cerned during use. The same applies to the use of ac-
The transducer is not intended for use as a safety com-
ponent. Please also refer to the "Additional safety pre-
cautions" section. Proper and safe operation requires
proper transportation, correct storage, siting and mount-
ing, and careful operation.
Operating conditions
The transducer must not be modified from the design
or safety engineering point of view except with our
express agreement. In particular, any repair or solder-
ing work on motherboards (exchanging components)
is prohibited.
The data in the technical data sheets must be com-
plied with when using the transducer. The respective
specified maximum loads in particular must never be