If the freeze protection feature is enabled and the air temperature is below the
selected freeze protection threshold (38°F default), then the pump will remain
on to ensure that the pipes do not freeze.
Heater ON/OFF
Provided that the filter pump is running, normal Pro Logic/Aqua Logic opera-
tion will turn the heater (HEATER1 output) on until the desired temperature (see
Settings Menu) is attained. The heater will then turn on periodically, as required,
to maintain that temperature. When the "ON" button is pushed, the heater will
turn on for a minimum of 5 minutes or until the water reaches 104°F. This
allows users in the spa to temporarily override the normal temperature setting.
When the "OFF" button is pushed, the heater is turned off regardless of the
water temperature and will remain off until either the "ON" button is pressed, or
the start of the next normal filter timer period.
Lights ON/OFF
The "ON"/"OFF" buttons allow manual operation that will override any auto-
matic control settings (e.g. timeclock). The manual setting will remain active
until the next scheduled automatic turn on/off event.
The "ON"/"OFF" buttons allow manual operation that will override any auto-
matic control settings (e.g. timeclock). The manual setting will remain active
until the next scheduled automatic turn on/off event. Note that the Aux3 - Aux6
outputs on Pro Logic/Aqua Logic -PS-8 models (Aux3-Aux14 on PS-16 mod-
els) can NOT be controlled by this remote.
Battery Replacement
The spaside remote runs on two AAA batteries. Since the internal circuits are only active when you
push a button, it is anticipated that the original, factory-installed, batteries should provide years of
service. If you do not at least see a single flash of the LED indicator when you push a button, then
the batteries may need replacement.
It is IMPORTANT that you carefully follow this procedure to ensure that your spaside remote retains
its watertight integrity:
1. Use a Phillips head screwdriver to remove the 4 screws on the back of the spaside remote.
These are special screws with built-in O-rings and are an important part of making the spa-
side remote watertight.
2. Separate the 2 halves of the remote. Do not touch the O-rings or allow any debris to fall onto
the O-ring surface.
3. Replace the 2 AAA batteries. Alkaline batteries are recommended for maximum life. If you
observe any corrosion or water damage, contact the Hayward Technical Service Dept. Monday
through Friday, 8AM to 8PM at 908-355-7995 for assistance.
4. Carefully replace the back cover on the spaside remote.