Operations manual H1281
HASCO hot runner 27
If the displayed powersetting value does not fit the actual need, then press the display
field. Then, the known numpad opens where you can enter the desired value. Close the
numpad with the red cross, the new powersetting value is then displayed.
Attention :
This manual mode de-activates the automatic temperature control, this zone is now
heated with constant powersetting!
Maintaining the desired process temperature must now be ensured by the operator.
To switch back to automatic control mode, press again the button „Auto“ (see above).
Measuring zone :
If one zone must be operated only as a measuring zone, e.g. if a nozzle is fitted with an
additional thermocouple for enhanced process control, choose the operation mode
„Measuring zone“.
By doing so, the powersetting of this zone is continuously set to 0%, no heating power
is generated.
The associated power outlet at the connector of this zone is not being charged with
heating voltage,
but may be bearing high voltage for measuring purpose for short pe-
riods of time.
For another tool, this choice can be switched back again.
Heating OFF:
The heating power of this zone is neing switched off. Bringing it back into service is
done by choosing again one active operation mode such as Auto, Hand of Measuring
Zones with deactivated heating are not taken into account when total heating of
the device is switched ON or OFF.
If a zone with deactivated heating must again be
brought into service, this must be done also in this zone detail view.
The chosen operational mode is indicated by a orange colour in the associated button.
The operational modes „Auto“, „Manual“ and „Measuring zone“ are being indicated in
the overview of all zones by a symbol in the associated zone.
This mode can be copied
to another, several or all zones (see page 31).
Monitor zone
Zone OFF