Adjusting Pressure Zero:
Apply zero input pressure to the transmitter before starting the zero adjustment calibration
and wait until the zero reading stabilizes. Note that in the case of absolute pressure transmitter, an absolute zero
pressure source must be used. If the model is differential, apply the same pressure on the high and low pressure sides,
and finally, if it is a manometric model, open the valve installed to atmospheric pressure.
Maintenance –
In this directory user can run Fixed Current mode for testing, Restart the device by software, Restore
Default settings of the transmitter or Save/Restore user data in/from sensor memory.
Observe –
In this directory the values of the output current, PV% (Pressure or Flow, in percentage), PV (Pressure or
Flow), SV (Temperature) and TV (Pressure) can be read.
*If the transmitter is configured for pressure measurement (instead of flow), PV will display pressure characterized by user (using
Table) or the variable configured on “Special Unit” (volume, mass, level), while TV will display pressure without characterization.
Diagnosis –
In this directory user can configure and view the device diagnostics.
General Device Status –
Informs if there is any problem or alert related to communication or general sensor status
and calculated pressure values such as Overpressure Alert, Sensor Communication Error, Sensor Not Initialized,
Sensor Fail, Read Capacitance Fail, Incompatible Sensor, Totalizing Limit Alert, Malfunction, Fixed Current, PV
Out of Operating Limit, Temperature Out of Operating Limit and Saturated Current.
Changing Counter –
Informs the change counters for each of the following transmitter parameters. User can also
reset the counters in this directory.
PV Range
Pressure Unit
Current Trim
Pressure Trim
HART Polling Address
Fail Safe Point
Transfer Function
Software Write Protection
Display LCD Variables
Characterization Curve Points
Temperature Unit
Square Root Cutoff
Zero Cutoff
Pressure Diagnosis –
Configures and reports the diagnostics of Flow Totalization (enables/disables), Maximum
and Minimum applied pressures and Overpressure Counter.
Temperature –
It reports the maximum and minimum temperature values recorded by the transmitter during its
operation, according to user calibration.
Counters for receiving and sending HART communication commands, plus a parameter that indicates the
rate of loss of those commands. Assists the user in analyzing the performance of the HART network. Can be reset