To save a file, press the TR or Transfer key.
Text saved to the C: drive is written to a file with a standard name, al.txt, in plain text
format. If you save to the C: drive at a later time, this file will be overwritten with the new
By contrast, when you save to CD, into the working folder, or to your USB device, the
filename can be created in one of two ways: with the first twenty characters from the
Buffer, or using the filename you have entered from the external keyboard. So, you can
save multiple files at a given location. Use the User Menu to change the way the filename
is created.
The working folder is a folder set aside on the hard disk for saving files.
Loading text from a file
Auto-Lektor can read text into the Buffer from a file. The source of the file can be the CD,
al.txt on the C: drive, a file in the working folder or a file on a pen drive. The only thing to
remember is: it must be plain text with a txt extension to the filename.
At the time of loading the text, Auto-Lektor will check for page breaks. If the text is not
divided into pages, Auto-Lektor will set page breaks into the text as it is read into the
If you set the Source to the CD, the working folder or external memory, the PT and NT
keys enable you to select a file to load.
Reading web pages
Auto-Lektor can read web pages, and if you connect an external keyboard or the
BraillePen, you can also edit form fields on a web page. This allows you to go to a search
site, enter the text to search for and browse the search results.
if you have selected the internet as your text source with SO, the list of available
bookmarks is immediately accessible; use PT and NT to step through the list and use SC
to confirm your bookmark selection and load the page.
You will hear the sound of a ticking clock while the page loads, and then Auto-Lektor will
begin reading.
When you are reading a web page, the following keys have special functions:
Scan (SC)
Go to a web page from the bookmarks list, follow a
link on a web page, or enter an editable field on the
current website; change the status of a radio button
or checkbox on a web page.
Previous title (PT)
Move to the previous link, button or field when on a
page, or to the previous bookmark.
Next Title (NT)
Move to the next link, button or field on a web page,
or to the next bookmark.
Previous page (PP)
Return to the previous level; if you are in the first web
page, PP takes you back to the bookmarks list.
If you have followed a link, press PP to go up one
level to the page you just came from, before you are
returned to the bookmark list.
Numeric Keypad
Enter the number of the element on the page, that