Installation of the USB Gadget Serial Driver for Windows 8.x – 32/64-Bit Operating Systems
Hardware Reference Guide - NX-Series NetLinx Integrated Controllers
Installation of the USB Gadget Serial Driver for
Windows 8.x – 32/64-Bit Operating Systems
With AMX's NX-Series Controllers, the USB Gadget Serial driver must be installed differently for users running the Windows 8.X
32/64 bit Operating Systems. This driver is necessary for users connecting to the USB programming port on the front panel of the
NX-Series Controllers.
Manually installing this driver require you to "Disable Driver Signature Verification" when installing unsigned drivers. The
procedures below describe how to disable driver signature verification and how to find the required Gadget Serial driver to install.
Disabling Driver Signature Verification Procedures
Perform the following steps to disable Driver Signature Verification Procedures.
Press the
Win + C
keyboard combination to bring up the Charms Bar, then click on the
FIG. 40 displays the Charms bar.
FIG. 40
Charms Bar
Click on the
Change PC settings
FIG. 41 displays the available options.
FIG. 41
Change PC Settings